Although MeloTel has proudly crowned itself “Canada’s Hosted Company”, we still happen to be very well-known for providing our top-of-the-line VoIP Telephone services at bottom-of-the-barrel prices. One of the key factors that lead our company towards growth was the fact that we were able to provide reliable, crystal clear calling at a fraction of the price that the big-named telecom brands generally charge.
And even though we now offer a wide range of services to our clients that span from blogging to spam filtering, MeloTel is still synonymous with telephones. As a result, we recently re-introduced DaFeeder Preview Dialer. For business owners who run call centres, this service is a must-have. And while it will help your call centre run smoothly, it’s important to bear in mind that there are some other techniques to running a top-notch call centre. Here are six.
1. Offer flexible hours to your employees. Often, one of the top complaints of a call centre employee is the fact that his or her schedule is very rigid. Working on the phones is hard enough as it is. If you can offer your employees the ability to move around their work hours, it will go a long way in having them come into work with pleasant attitudes. As is regularly stated, a happy staff is a productive staff.
2. Provide incentives for weekly and monthly quotas. Every call centre has specific targets that they try to make. Especially for those involved in sales, it’s important to have staff members who are motivated to not just hit their quotas, but exceed expectations. Be sure to offer rewards, prices and bonuses to those who are surpassing their goals. Inspiring friendly competition in your office is bound to help with productivity.
3. Schedule your day without gaps. Employees who are part of a team often love taking lunch together. Why wouldn’t they? But, in a call centre environment, allowing everyone to take breaks and lunches at the same time isn’t exactly feasible if you want to make money. Be sure that you have adequately staffed your call centre so that there is always someone available to speak to your customers on the phone.
4. Don’t overdo overtime. Sometimes, employers underestimate the gruelling nature of call centre work. Many employees find the job monotonous. It’s a reality that comes with the job. That doesn’t mean that job is particularly horrible or impossible to manage. It simply means that people need their breaks. Be sure to offer them at least two 15 minute breaks throughout the day and try to keep overtime hours to a minimum.
5. Allow for feedback. This tip will help any business regardless of whether or not it incorporates a call centre. Employees like to know that their opinions matter. Allow for them to voice their opinions and take their concerns to heart. After all, the more you make your employees feel valued, the harder they will work for you. Offer them your time on an as-needed basis to give them opportunities to voice their concerns.
6. Monitor calls. Your call centre employees aren’t the only ones who get to voice their concerns! DaFeeder Preview Dialer provides you with options including the recording of calls so that you can monitor the work being conducted by your team. This will allow you to assess the quality of their work and provide feedback when necessary. As with every call centre, striving for unbeatable customer service is of paramount importance.
For more information about DaFeeder Preview Dialer or any other of MeloTel’s services, please call us at 1-888-MELOTEL!