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3 More Ways To Help Your Phone Agents Have Better Days

If you own and/or operate a call centre business, you know better than anyone just how hard it can be to keep employee morale high. Unfortunately for you, call centres are known for their high turnover rates. Phone agents tend to get burnt out and frustrated with the amount of irate customers they have to contend with on a daily basis. But, this doesn’t have to be the case at your call centre.

In our last blog, we discussed the art of boosting call centre employee morale. Here are three more ways to help your phone agents have better days:

1. Encourage your team members to help each other.

Teamwork makes the dream work. Yes, the rhyming phrase has recently become a cliché. But it doesn’t make it any less true. Recruitment experts regularly herald the importance of company culture. The more your employees like working with each other, the more energetic and productive they are bound to be. Encourage your phone agents to be each other’s mentors. It will inspire them all to have winning attitudes.

“Fostering a team mentality creates a ‘you matter’ culture that shares success and failure,” writes Shawndra Tobias of Etech, “Ordinarily, workers invest more energy in the workplace than even at home, so it just bodes well to make an ideal work involvement. Being heard, respected and prepared for success will inspire agents and enable them to address each customer’s need and act as a true brand ambassador.”

2. Listen to your employees and implement changes based on their feedback.

There might not be a better way to show your employees how much you value them than to simply listen to them. Showing that you’ve listened is demonstrated by the changes you make based on the feedback you receive. It could be as simple turning the heat up a couple of degrees because you’ve been told the office is too cold. It could also mean introducing a new policy based on the advice you’ve gotten from a worker.

“One thing is for sure: listening to your call centre agents is your golden ticket to good team morale,” insists Dóra Rapcsák of VCC Live, “Therefore, make sure you often ask your agents in your team how they feel, both inside and outside the workplace. And once you receive feedback from them, make sure to take action on it. This contributes to a healthy and open workplace your agents will want to stay at for the long term.”

3. Equip your team with the right tools.

“Easy to use, integrated tools that flawlessly fit into an agent’s job enables them to concentrate on giving an ideal customer experience,” notes Tobias, “Rather than mishandling different platforms to get to get information or utilizing defective software, your agents can work proficiently and efficiently when they have the best instruments readily available.”

At MeloTel, we couldn’t agree more! This is why we’re so proud of our innovative DaFeeder Preview Dialer. It makes life so much easier for call centre agents as it is a web-based technology that enables one-touch dialing and the management of online client files. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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