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The Art Of Growing Your Business And Saving Money At The Same Time

At MeloTel, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for any and all of your business needs. We’re in the business of helping your business. Because business owners make up our clients, MeloTel can’t be successful if other businesses aren’t successful. Therefore, we’re invested in the betterment of your brand. We’re also excited about the fact that we’re able to save you money while helping you to grow your business!

Stop paying so much for your phone services!

When you make the switch to MeloTel’s Commercial Phone Services, you get connected over the cloud. That means you’re doing away with your traditional landlines. How does that save you money? Well, firstly, you can say goodbye to long distance charges. By using VoIP phones instead of old school landline telephones, you speak to others using the internet. You don’t get long distance charges for sending emails to recipients across the world, do you?

Think of your phone conversations that way. With our Commercial Phone Services, you get unlimited calling to more than 22 countries across the world. And, by the way, you don’t have to pay for your phones! We have a Free Polycom Rental program that provides you with Polycom phones as a Free Phone Rental for as long as you are our customer. Also, there are no professional setup, activation or shipping charges!

Let us take a look at your phone bill!

When you make the switch to MeloTel, you also decrease your monthly telecom services bill. To prove it to you, we offer a completely FREE analysis of your current phone bill. If you allow us to take a look at your bill, we will be able to explain exactly how much money you will save each and every month with MeloTel. To reiterate, there is no charge for this review. There is also no obligation to make the switch to our phone services.

It’s a very simple process! One of our experienced representatives will discuss with you just how MeloTel’s phone services will save you money every month. You will also learn about how MeloTel is not in the business of surprises. There are no hidden charges that pop up out of nowhere. Our monthly bills are very predictable. Your charges are the same each month – and much lower than what you’re used to. It’s as simple as that!

Take your office with you wherever you go!

Another great benefit of MeloTel’s Commercial Phone Services is that it lets you make and take business phone calls from anywhere. Gone are the days when you needed to be in your office to conduct business using your business phone number. That’s because MeloTel’s Cloud Softphone is absolutely free for all of our Commercial Phone Services clients.

After downloading the free Cloud Softphone app, you can connect into your MeloTel phone system and use your company caller ID on all phones. You can also reach your co-workers with extension to extension dialling. All you need in order to use the app is a Wi-Fi or LTE connection!

For more information about how MeloTel can help you grow your business while saving you money, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or email