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How 3D Virtual Tours Unlock Greater Success For Real Estate Agents

The world of real estate is very competitive. Agents are always seeking new and innovative ways to stand out from the crowd in order to attract those who either looking to buy or sell homes. A great way for real estate agents to gain business is to create 3D virtual tours of the properties they have available. This awesome feature lets potential buyers explore properties from the comforts of their own homes.

How do 3D virtual tours unlock greater success for real estate agents?

Increased listing engagement.

Unlike still photos and even videos, 3D virtual tours provide much more immersive and interactive experiences. They enable property hunters to navigate through various listings at their own paces. Second only to being there in person, a 3D virtual tour provides a good feel for the layout and flow of a space. The increased engagement generated can lead to more qualified leads and ultimately more successful sales.

In fact, with a 3D virtual tour, a real estate agent can practically host 24/7 open houses. This is great for potential buyers who may live far distances from the properties being showcased. The feature eliminates the need to schedule and host multiple open houses. Interested parties can view properties at any time that suits them. By providing 24/7 accessibility, real estate agents can significantly increase the reaches of their listings, attracting buyers who may not be able to attend in-person showings.

Greater buyer confidence.

It’s all about making excellent impressions, right? Well, we all know that buying a new home is a big decision. Naturally, buyers want to feel confident in the choices they make. A 3D virtual tour can help build buyer confidence as it provides people with a comprehensive view of a property. The tour can take viewers down hallways, up and down stairs and in and out of rooms. These are details that may not be visible in photos or videos. This can reduce the likelihood of buyers experiencing buyer’s remorse after their purchases.

Daphne Kalliomaki is a waterfront property expert with BALL Real Estate Inc. This past year, she commissioned Melo Technology to take Drone Photo and Video images to create 3D Virtual Tours of some of her listings. She highlighted the benefits of utilizing both professional photography and 3D virtual tours to advertise her listings.

“The videos give me an opportunity to market myself as a real estate agent,” Daphne told us, “If people see the video and say ‘oh wow, I looked at four houses and one of them had the video and the other three didn’t, I’d want to use that agent to help me sell my house because they go above and beyond to get that done’. My business is based on selling myself, so the videos definitely help get people in the door.”

Contact Melo Technology today!

We provide 3D Virtual Tours with a spherical 360° photo as the starting point of each tour. Showing off the surrounding area of a venue gives an excellent perspective of the immediate area. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page.