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How To Make The Most Of Your Mondays

Welcome to Monday morning! We get it. This may not necessarily be your favourite day of the week. For many employed individuals, Monday morning signifies the dreary and depressing end to the weekend – a time that is generally considered a lot more enjoyable. However, if you’re a business owner, you should regard each and every Monday as the beginning of a new opportunity.

MeloTel’s Founder and CEO, John Meloche certainly sees Mondays that way. For him, Monday is like hitting the “reset” button. It provides his company with a fresh new start to gain new business, meet new customers and earn new fans. As we pointed out in our last blog, one of a business owner’s top priorities is to get customers saying “they’re the best!” about his/her company. Today is the perfect day for you to get started with that mission!

Start each Monday with a morning meeting.

A practice that John has long championed is the morning meeting. Generally speaking, he starts each work day with a motivational get-together with the members of his team. It’s something he’s been doing since his days as an office manager with other companies. While morning meetings should be daily routines, it can be argued that no day is more important than Monday to have such meetings.

Give your staff something to look forward to on Monday mornings. While your meetings should consist of motivational messages about how to have productive work days, they should also be fun. Make your Monday morning meetings interactive. Ask your employees about their weekends, encourage them to share fun stories and even incorporate some game play.

By starting every Monday morning off in a fun way, it will energize your staff and prevent the dreariness that Mondays often bring workers. On, Taryn Williford lists socializing as one of her top 20 things to do to make Mondays suck less. “Take the first hour of the workweek to catch up with co-workers or friends – whatever makes you more productive,” she advises.

Find joy in the little things.

One of the most important things to remember about Monday mornings is that they are FAR from the end of the world. If you enjoy the weekend, it likely means that you take advantage of opportunities to spend time with loved ones. Remember that those loved ones don’t disappear because Monday is the start of the work week. Why not take them to work with you?

One “little thing” you can do is put pictures of your loved ones at your work station. It will remind you of why you work so hard in the first place – a reminder that doubles as an incentive to be motivated to work on Monday mornings.

“Print a pic from your phone, pick up a frame and stick it on your desk,” encourages Daffnee Cohen of HuffPost, “It could be your spouse, your pet or your favourite place you’ve visited. Let your eyes fall on the things that you know make you happy. Change them up every now and then. This one is golden, trust me.”

Here’s hoping today is your greatest Monday of work yet – and that each Monday from here on in will be a great one as well!

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