We talk a lot about how to please customers, here at MeloTel. We’re constantly coming up with ways that we feel will make our clients happy. Naturally, we believe that having a very strong customer service regimen will enable us to grow our customer base. Having started so many new relationships with Canadian business owners over the past few years, we know the importance of going the extra mile.
To us, it’s the small things that count. To be more specific, we know that our clients enjoy the small things and because they believe that they count, we continue to go above and beyond for them. For example, there have been numerous times that our company President, John Meloche has returned phone calls to address questions himself. He actually takes great pride in connecting with his customers personally.
Are there additional strides that you can be taking to show your customers that you truly care? Remember, it’s the small things that have the potential to make the biggest impacts. Consider the many things that you may be able to improve about your business that will only require minor changes. In today’s blog, we’ll go through a few examples of how you can go that extra mile for your customers.
Talk a walk with your customers. No, we’re not saying that you should offer your time for a stroll in the park. We’re talking about showing genuine concern and a willingness to help them to your best abilities. Instead of simply informing a client of where a product in your store is located, walk them right over to it. Start a conversation and see if there is any other product that you can help them to locate.
Check back with your customers. When you get question from your customers, you should do more than simply answer them. Follow up to see if all is well. That could include asking questions the moment they approach the cashier with items for purchase. It could also mean putting in phone calls to make sure that they are happy with what they bought. Whatever you feel is the most appropriate follow-up method – use it!
Thank your customers. It’s important to never take your clients for granted. They don’t have to do business with you. They’re not really under any obligation. They can just as easily visit and support your competition. Give them incentives to keep coming back. Doing so is as simple as showing your appreciation. Be sure to thank them for their patronage, letting them know how important they are to your business.
Ask if you can do more for your customers. Just because your customers may have left your place of business with smiles on their faces doesn’t mean that you’ve completely satisfied them. Communication is everything, right? Simply ask them if there’s anything more that you can do for them. You may be surprised to discover needs that your company can meet, but wouldn’t have otherwise known.
Make things convenient for your customers. Return calls during times that you know will not inconvenience your client. Ask them what times would be best for you to meet with them in person. Deliver packages on time and without having to be called constantly so that they know when they are coming. When you make the lives of your customers easier, they make yours much happier!