In our last blog, we revisited the importance of blogging on your website. Of course, we also highlighted the fact that MeloTel’s Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire have been blogging for a wide range of North American businesses for many years. As a result, those clients have enjoyed wider spread notoriety online. Their growing online presence continues to help them secure more website traffic and inevitably, more customers, as a result.
To get us blogging for you, you need only take a few simple steps. Visit our New Blogging Client Questionnaire and take a few moments to fill it out so that we can attain a good handle on what your business is all about. Naturally, the more we know about your company, the better we will be at representing it through the written word. Composing thought-provoking blogs…that’s the strong suit of our blogging team!
List three or more topics that you’d like to see covered in your blog.
This is one of the requests you’ll find in our questionnaire. It’s always good to provide some specific direction. As we mentioned in our last blog, we trust that you’re an expert in your field. So whatever direction you provide our writers will help them to compose blogs that speak in your voice. In other words, our bloggers are expert writers. But you know what you’d like them to write about.
How frequently would you like to have blogs posted to your website?
This is an important question that will be answered by both your budget and your willingness to grab as much attention as you can from internet users. At MeloTel, we post a blog nearly every business day. Some of our clients choose to blog three times a week, others two times, others just once. We even have clients that prefer every other week or even monthly. As always, we leave it up to you, but provide the suggestion of keeping up with a regular schedule.
It should be mentioned that frequency and regularity is key. As we’ve noted, the more new content you add to your site, the more likely your site will be to rank high in search engines. You also want to make sure that your readers are able to trust that new content will be posted by regularly. This will help to build your readership. But it will also demonstrate your reliability – something that consumers take seriously.
Do you wish to have social media engagement included as part of your blogging services?
Company websites pick up a lot more traction when they engage their audiences via social media. This is why we make it a point to post a link to each of our blog posts on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages. We suggest you do the same. Obviously, the more people who know about your blog, the more people you will get to read it!
MeloTel’s Founder and CEO, John Meloche returns from vacation tomorrow. Please don’t hesitate to call 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website, upon his return, to inquire about our blogging services!