Spam. So annoying, right? At MeloTel, when it comes to our email newsletters, we insist upon having our customers and potential clients sign up for them so that we know they’re interested in receiving them. Signing up for our newsletter also comes with no obligation. That means that people can feel free to unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time. If all businesses operated this way, spam may not be as big a problem as it is today.
When it comes to email marketing, there are some companies that simply seek to inundate any email addresses they can get their hands on with marketing material. Not only is this a less-than-stellar approach to marketing a business, but it actually turns people off. No one likes opening their email inboxes to a ton of emails from senders they’ve never heard of before. People can only be marketed to so much. So what to do about all of that spam?
Here are six ways to stop receiving so much spam:
1. Create a “ghost” email address. You know how you’re pretty much always asked to enter your email address any time you’re filling out any type of information online? Whether you’re buying concert tickets or entering a contest, you’re likely to have to input an email address. In many cases, this is how your email address gets attained by spammers. So, instead of using an address that you would normally check, create an email account that you use just for this purpose.
2. Click the “unsubscribe” button. Yes, this is the obvious approach to having your email address removed from mailing lists. But, it doesn’t necessarily protect you from having your email address added to other lists going forward. Nevertheless, it’ll be worth your while to unsubscribe to as many of those annoying spam emails as possible. It’s a tedious process. But, it will limit the amount of spam you get on a regular basis.
3. Beware of clicking on other links. Spam emails are well known for their links. Click here to win this, or click here to sign up for that. Other than the “unsubscribe” button that we just recommended you click on, you’ll want to stay away from the litany of links that are generally commonplace in a spam email. Some of these links turn into automatic entries into other mailing lists that will only continue the cycle of spam you receive.
4. Don’t include your email in forum posts. Do you tend to post in forums related to your business? This may be a good idea in order to generate buzz about your brand. But, it could also be the reason so many other businesses are spamming you. Leave your phone number and web address so that those who are seriously interested in your products and services will take the time to contact you in ways that will help your bottom line.
5. Review privacy terms. When visiting a website and making the decision to sign up for something – whether it’s for a purchase or the receipt of valuable information – be sure to read over the privacy terms. That way, you’ll know exactly what you’re signing up for. It will also help you to learn whether or not your email address will be used for any purposes other than what you intend it to be used for.
6. Sign up for MeloTel SpamTitan. MeloTel can actually make your life a whole lot easier by blocking 99% of the spam that you receive! Our incredible MeloTel SpamTitan service uses the best of breed technologies, including two antivirus products, Kaspersky and Clam AV, to block phishing mail, mail from Botnets, graphic based spam and malicious URLs. And, the best part is it will only cost you $2.00 a month!
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the “Live Chat Support” feature on our website!