Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to 2015! Can you remember the whole Y2K frenzy? Doesn’t it seem like it was just the other day? A whole 15 years later, not only are we still alive and well, but technology seems to be thriving better than ever! At MeloTel, we’re elated to announce that our list of clients, across this great country of Canada, only continues to grow. And the services that we offer only continue to get better.
We have some New Year’s Resolutions, as you can imagine. Among them is our insistence on providing even better customer service to our growing list of clients. As a reminder, we’d like you to take the opportunity to fill out our Customer Satisfaction Survey for your chance to be the first to win our $100.00 monthly giveaway! It’s all a part of our commitment to making the lives of our customers easier.
What methods will you be employing to improve customer satisfaction in 2015? Do you have a New Year’s Resolution that you could use a little help with? Too often, the resolutions that we make lose steam before the month of January is even up. It’s important to set realistic goals in order to forward your business in a direction that it deserves. Here are five ideas for how you can stick to your business goals in 2015.
1. Put them in writing. Saying your resolutions out loud and writing them down are two different things. One is more of a wish. The other is more of a commitment. Don’t let your ideas float around in your head. Create a list of objectives and place them up in an area where you will see it regularly. This will provide you with a constant reminder of the goals that you are trying to achieve. Place a box beside each goal that you can tick off with the completion of each.
2. Give yourself deadlines. It’s great to write your goals down so that you can work to achieve them. But part of accomplishing your objectives is to insist upon timelines within which they must be completed. Set deadlines so that you are driven to complete tasks by specific times. You don’t want things hanging over your head for too long. You also want to guarantee that feeling of accomplishment. Don’t make procrastination part of your new year!
3. Seek out personal goals as well. What’s good for you is good for your business. Are there any personal goals that you have that could help your business out? Losing weight, quitting smoking and any other traditional health-related New Year Resolutions can work wonders for the way you operate your company. The more healthy you are, the better suited you will be to manage the taxing nature of your everyday responsibilities on the job.
4. Secure a support system. Remember that your goals for your company involve the members of your team. Everyone needs to be on board. Encourage them to work towards their own personal goals so that they can be better equipped to assist with the company’s objectives. The support you receive from your staff will be vital to your company’s success. However, don’t be afraid to seek the support of your family and friends as well.
5. Remember that patience is a virtue. If you’re the type of person who likes for things to be done quickly, you’re not alone. But as the popular saying goes, “success doesn’t happen overnight”. Be patient. Some of your goals will take longer to achieve than others. Consider the various things that have worked for you in the past, and those that didn’t work out so well. Re-assess some of your planning to give yourself a greater chance of success this year.
As always, MeloTel is here to help your business reach success levels it may never have reached before. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL to learn about how we can help!