The MeloTel Blog has existed just about as long as the MeloTel website. You may even go so far as saying we were blogging before blogging was cool! The importance of content marketing has never been lost on us. And, it’s likely because we recognize we’re a smaller telecommunications company than most.
As we’ve noted in a number of our recent blogs, adding the personal touch to customer interactions is imperative for smaller businesses. Developing customer relationships is a key to small business success because larger corporations generally aren’t able to form meaningful bonds with their customers.
This is what makes blogging so important.
A blog is your opportunity to communicate directly with the people who are most likely to support your business. Okay, it might not exactly be “direct” communication, but because a blog represents your brand’s voice, it provides a personal spin on topics that are relevant to your company.
Essentially, content marketing advertises your business is a more informative and valuable way than traditional advertising. That’s because blogs aren’t blatant ads. They are news articles, opinion pieces, advice columns, lists of tips and other read-worthy literature that does more than advertise: it connects!
By providing relevant content, you grow your reputation.
Blogs are meant to be helpful. They’re meant to be answers to the questions your customers may have. They’re meant to get those same customers calling your business for further clarification because the friendly, approachable and knowledge nature of your blogs gave them the confidence that working with you may be worthwhile.
On, Steven Snell explains that the more you blog, the better you’ll be able to understand what is important to the members of your target audience. This helps to boost your brand’s reputation as a trustworthy entity.
“Quality is always going to be a somewhat subjective issue, but I think most bloggers can look back through their archives and get a pretty accurate idea of how the quality has trended over time,” he writes, “Growth in quality is natural as you will become more knowledgeable about your topics and as you learn about blogging and writing in general.”
It’s best to hire a professional blogger for your content marketing needs.
Let’s be honest. You’re busy. You likely have so much on your plate each day that the idea of composing, proofreading and posting new blogs on a regular basis sounds far too daunting. Not to worry – MeloTel’s Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire are here to help you! And don’t feel bad about needing the help. As Jonathan Morrow of points out, those without creative writing backgrounds don’t make the best bloggers.
“I know, it sounds horribly prejudiced,” he admits, “But here’s the deal: scientists, engineers, and other types of technologists are trained to be objective, passive, and detached — all three of which will destroy you as a blogger. No, you’re not doomed if you have a background in one of these disciplines. But it is a handicap, and you need to be aware of it.”
For more information about how to get MeloTel’s bloggers blogging for your company website, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!