Industry News
Why Should You Switch To MeloTel’s Commercial Phone Services?
Are you using VoIP yet? Voice over Internet Protocol isn’t just the way of the future anymore. It’s the way of today! Using an archaic landline means you’re missing out on a wide array of calling features that can help to significantly grow your business. Furthermore, you’re also very likely...
Keeping Your Team Safe And Sound During COVID-19
By now, you’re likely downright sick of hearing about COVID-19. So are we. If we never hear the words “coronavirus pandemic” again for the rest of our lives, it’ll be too soon. However, it’s important to take stock of what is going on here. This globally-spread virus is taking hundreds...
Feedback Is A Necessity In The Call Centre Environment
Do you operate a call centre business? If so, the word “feedback” is probably thrown around quite a bit. It’s a necessary part of growing your business. And there are many different types of feedback that your company needs in order to grow. Firstly, you need feedback from your customers....
How Can You Get Your Blog To Generate Greater Interest In Your Brand?
In our last blog, we revisited the concept of blogging and pointed out a few signs your blog might be in serious need of help. In today’s blog, we’d like to continue with that topic, knowing there are certainly more facets of blogging that can help the content on your...
3 Signs Your Blog Is In Serious Need Of Help
Are people interested in what you have to say in your blog? In many cases, it’s not the information that readers find unappealing. It’s the way in which your information is communicated. A strong blog is one that offers readers valuable tidbits, but does so in an engaging way. It...
Do People Really Prefer To Do Business Within Their Area Codes?
Familiarity is something that makes people feel comfortable. Who doesn’t like to be within well-known surroundings? As the old saying goes, “there’s no place like home”. Where you are from and where you reside are often representative of comfortable environments. We also tend to warm up to those who are...
3 Reasons To Try The MeloTel Web ChatBot For Free
A couple of weeks ago, the MeloTel team excitedly announced the availability of a brand new service called the MeloTel Web ChatBot. Also known as “MeloBot”, this revolutionary new service enables any and all visitors to your website to interact with a chat interface. In addition to announcing this new...
MeloTel Is Closed Today To Continue Celebrating Canada
As you are very well aware, this past Wednesday was Canada Day! We hope you thoroughly enjoyed whatever you decided to do to celebrate this wonderful nation of ours. We understand that the coronavirus pandemic may have thwarted some of your traditions. But, nevertheless, we hope you were able to...
MeloTel Pulls Facebook Ads In Support Of “Stop Hate For Profit” Campaign
MeloTel has always stood for justice and equality. Under no circumstances whatsoever do we agree with any form of racism, hatred or bigotry. Shortly after the tragic murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota in May, MeloTel affirmed its strong stance in an official statement. However, the fight for justice...
Happy Canada Day From The MeloTel Team!
It’s that time of year again! The summer has officially gotten underway, the sun is shining down warmly and Canadians are getting ready to celebrate their country’s birthday. Tomorrow is Canada Day! And this year, the Great White North celebrates its 153th year as a nation. On July 1, 1867,...