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How To Make It Easier To Work From Home

The calendar has changed, but not a lot has changed with it. COVID-19 continues to plague our lives. 2021 is fully underway but, just like last year, it’s important to wear masks, physically distance and wash our hands in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. In fact, here in Ontario, where MeloTel has been headquartered, citizens are about to undergo a newly-imposed stay at home order.

How has the pandemic impacted your business?

Undoubtedly, it’s put quite a strain on the natural order of things. For many business owners, closing their doors has been the only option. In place of welcoming visitors to stores, many retailers have moved to e-commerce solutions. Similarly, restaurants need to focus on takeout orders in lieu of having patrons dine in. And, for offices all over North America, employees have been sent home to complete their day-to-day occupational tasks.

At MeloTel, we recognize that this transition hasn’t been easy for you. However, our team is committed to helping ease things a bit. Let’s discuss a few ways you can make it easier to work from home.

Dress for work.

Believe it or not, how you dress can have a significant impact on your productivity. If you’re used to business attire in the office, but have resorted to remaining in your PJs at home, you may notice that you’re not so motivated to work. We’re not saying a suit and tie is necessary. However, when you “dress to impress”, you’ll prepare yourself for a more focused and productive day of work. Try it if you haven’t already!

Designate a specific workplace in your home.

Just because you’re not going into THE office doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work in AN office. Set up a workstation in your home and use that location for work and work only. This will help you to separate your job responsibilities from your personal life. As we alluded to with the “dress to impress” tip, finding ways to put yourself in a business state of mind is an effective method of getting yourself in a focused and productive mode.

Clearly define your work hours.

Now that you work from home, do you allow yourself to just roll out of bed whenever you feel like it? Or are you sticking to the schedule you’re used to when going to the office each day? Do yourself a favour and set the alarm to wake you up each morning. Be sure to get adequate sleep, of course. But insist upon working within specific hours to help you separate work from your personal life. It will also make your work day more productive.

Take advantage of VoIP technology.

As we clearly stated in our last blog, VoIP has enabled workers to revolutionize the ways in which they communicate with their clients and colleagues. With VoIP phones, you can make and take calls no differently than you would in your office. That includes using the exact same business phone number and extension as the one you use at work.

MeloTel provides VoIP-based Commercial Phone Services that include Fortune 500 corporation features. However, we offer them at an incredibly low costs compared to alternatives. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL today!

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