Industry News, MeloTel Features

What Are The Benefits Of Social Media Engagement?

Within the past decade, social media have taken over as the primary methods by which people communicate. At least, it certainly seems that way. The advent of such platforms as Facebook and Twitter allow people to quickly and easily interact with others who are clear across the globe. Social media have certainly found unique ways to connect people together. And they’ve definitely helped businesses to grow their customer bases in ways that were never before imagined.

If you’re a business owner and you’re yet to utilize social media accounts to promote your business, you’re definitely missing out. Social media engagement has become a huge part of the modern day advertising model for businesses of all sizes. At the very least, you should be posting valuable information to your social media accounts via blog links on a regular basis. It’s a surefire way to deliver more traffic to your site.

But how exactly should business owners engage their audiences through social media? It’s definitely important to remember the whole “social” aspect of social media. The platforms are not the ideal places to post overt advertisements. Interacting with others is the name of the game. On Facebook, this involves posting comments on the statuses of others, liking posts and sharing some of your favourite statuses.

On Twitter, it’s much the same. Liking, retweeting and responding to other tweets are excellent ways to grow your reach. With each form of engagement that you participate in, you create a link to your social media account which should contain a link to your company website. With each new visitor to your website, you increase your chances of transitioning a person into a paying customer.

How does social media engagement contribute to SEO? The more you engage with others on Facebook, Twitter and the business-oriented LinkedIn, the higher your company website can rank in search engines. As long as your posts contain links to your website (again, this is where blog posts come in handy), you will be persuading more website visits. Social media are proven to increase web traffic.

Your ability to engage with others also showcases how much of an expert you are in your field. These days, people like to know that the owners of the businesses they work with can be relied upon. To highlight your expertise, write blogs that offer tips, advice and other pertinent information related to your industry. Engaging others in this way is a form of content marketing that is growing more and more popular each day.

At MeloTel, we have Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire who have many years of experience writing blogs for business owners all over North America. As part of their services, they also regularly create updates to our clients’ social media pages. This has helped to establish legitimacy and authority for the companies our team blogs for. It also encourages a growth in fans and followers for our clients.

For more information on how we can begin blogging and engaging with your target audience through social media for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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