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Are You Still Using More Than One Number For The Same Purpose?

When you sign up for MeloTel’s Single Number Reach, you gain the ability to never say the following phrases again.

“Give me a call on my cell phone.”

“You can reach me on my home phone after regular business hours.”

“I’ll email you the hotel’s number so you can call me when I’m out of town.”

So, why is it that you can do away with those phrases? Well, with Single Number Reach, you are given the opportunity to conduct business from any location you wish using one business phone number. The feature lets you forward your business phone number to any device of your choosing. That way, you can use your cell phone, home phone or pretty much any other device without giving out their numbers. They will all ring when your business number is called.

Stop giving out your cell phone number for business purposes.

Instead, just give it out to your friends and family members so you can make clear who should and shouldn’t be calling you on that line. Of course, the same goes for your home phone number. Arguably the most private of all phone numbers, your home phone number should only be dialled by those who are the closest to you.

By all means, you can give out any number you wish to anyone you want. But wouldn’t it make life easier if the only phone number you gave out for business purposes was your business phone number? Single Number Reach makes that dream come true! When conducting business, insist that only your business line is used. The feature lets you choose which of your devices will ring when your business phone number is dialled.

Work from home with ease.

Conduct business in your pyjamas if you want to! Single Number Reach makes it so that you don’t necessarily have to get all dressed up for work. Working from remote locations has been practically mandatory for entrepreneurs all over North America since the start of the pandemic. As a result, business professionals have had to give out their personal numbers at much higher rates.

Doing so can make things a bit awkward now and again. Have you ever received a business phone call at bedtime? That has likely happened a time or two if you’ve given out your home phone number to clients. With Single Number Reach, you make sure you’re available at the hours you wish to be available.

Single Number Reach can be used anywhere in North America.

That means that when the pandemic is finally behind us and you begin travelling again, you can keeping using the service to ensure your clients are never out of touch. By being accessible, you will significantly improve customer satisfaction.

Remember that you’ll be able to avoid ever leaving another “I’m not in the office right now” outgoing voice greeting to your callers. With Single Number Reach, you’ll practically always be available!

To get more information about Single Number Reach, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or email