Email is a fantastic technological innovation. Of course, by today’s standards, email is nothing new. We’ve been sending and receiving them for approximately two decades now. And, within the business world, they’ve pretty much become mandatory in order for companies to function. Because email is such an important business tool, however, it’s important to utilize the technology in as professional a manner as possible.
Doesn’t it seem like some people have taken email for granted? Emails can be sent so quickly and easily on so many different devices that many of us tend to treat them no differently that we would text messages. It’s important to remember that emails and text messages are not the same things. Consider that the word “mail” is still involved in “email”. Do you even remember what it’s like to handwrite a letter and send it off in the mail?
If so, you’ll remember that they involve particular salutations, greetings and closings. Now, consider the fact that when you send emails on behalf of your company, you are representing a brand. Are you using slang terms, abbreviations and other text message-like tendencies that you would never have incorporated in a regular letter? Communicating on behalf of your business via email demands a sense of professional etiquette.
Here are five ways to maintain it:
1. Use professional subject lines. Keep in mind that many of your recipients will be just as busy as you are during their business days. As a result, it would be wise to label your emails so that their recipients quickly understand the nature of the messages and their senses of urgency. As well, proper subject headings can help to avoid having your messages end up in junk mail folders. Surely, you don’t want your important messages to be overlooked.
2. Address the recipient by name. As mentioned earlier, standard letters have kind salutations that address the individuals that they are intended for. There’s no reason that this feature should be eliminated from modern day emails. This is especially important if you’re working with a new client. You should know exactly who you’re addressing. So if you’re not sure who your recipient is, it would be wise to find out before sending the message.
3. Be clear about your intentions. Emails don’t need to be lengthy. In most cases, it’s probably best that they are brief. Remember, again, that your recipients are likely to be very busy. Getting to the point quickly will serve you best. Just be sure to outline the purpose of your email within its body. Include all necessary information and contact methods so that its recipient can get in touch with you expeditiously about the matter.
4. Avoid slang terms. To reiterate an earlier made point, your business emails are representative of your brand. Even if you have a personal friendship with your recipient, you’ll want your email to read as professionally as possible. Again, try to keep your text messaging style and your emailing style separate. Your emails should read as if they were written on paper and sent in the mail. Keep in mind that they are still forms of mail, after all!
5. Include appropriate closings. Considering that you are still sending “mail”, don’t forget to end them off the way you would standard letters. A “sincerely” or even a simple “thank you” would suffice before leaving your name at the end of your message. Yes, don’t forget to include your name as well. It’s a best practice to never take anything for granted when sending emails on behalf of your business. Don’t assume the recipient is aware of who you are.
Now that you have the know-how, you’ll need the right service. To get more information about MeloTel’s Domain, Email & Web Hosting services, give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL or use our website’s “Live Sales Chat” feature!