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3 Easy Ways To Rid Spam From Your Life For Good

Spam is generally defined as unsolicited messages that are received electronically. More often than not, spam is of a marketing nature. While it’s wise to market your business via e-mail, it is certainly unwise to inundate random email inboxes with advertisements that were never requested.

The true definition of spam comes by way of the onslaught of unasked for emails that come from businesses their recipients have never heard of. It’s annoying. And, as a business owner, you have likely endured your fair share of spam. If so, put your worries away. There are some very easy ways to rid spam from your life for good!

Here are three:

1. Create a “throwaway” email account for non-work related purposes.

Receiving spam emails at work is especially irritating because, after all, you have work to do. When signing up for just about anything online, you’re often requested to submit an email address. Instead of your work address, use a “throwaway” account that you plan on barely ever using. As long as it’s a legitimate address, you can continue to sign up for what’s necessary without having to worry about the long list of spam emails that usually ensues.

“The hassle of spam can often be minimized by using different email addresses,” affirms Patricio Robles on, “While you probably already have two accounts – one for work and one for play – consider that it may be wise to keep a few throwaways around. This is especially advisable when signing up for email newsletters, participating in contests or when purchasing from retailers you’re not so familiar with.”

2. Avoid leaving traces of your work email address all over the internet.

Naturally, you’ll want to pass along your work email address to business colleagues and clients so that you can be reached for business purposes. However, when surfing, the internet, it’s important to keep your email address to yourself. Specifically, don’t post your business email address in your comments in online forums or social media accounts that aren’t strictly work-related.

“Guest books are a prime source for the harvesting of email addresses that spammers use,” informs Emmanuel Carabott of GFI Software, “Some guest books automatically hyperlink your email to your username; avoid posting in such forums and never include your email address in the post itself. Do not use your work email for this kind of personal use. If you do not have an alternative email address, consider using free services such as Google mail, Yahoo! mail or Hotmail.”

3. Use a spam filter.

“It should go without saying that one of the best ways to avoid spam email is to use a spam filter,” says Robles, “But not everyone does.”

We couldn’t agree more. However, it’s important to note that not every spam filter is created equally. MeloTel Spam Portal blocks 99.9 percent of all spam – a stat that is backed up independent comparative tests and awards. As a result, it offers you the best protection for your email on the market!

For information about MeloTel Spam Portal, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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