Industry News, MeloTel News, Social Media

Why Hosting Contests On Social Media Is Great For Business

Earlier this week, MeloTel launched its latest social media contest. We’ve excitedly returned to the tried and true concept of making it as easy as possible to give people the opportunity to win money. As we pointed out in our last blog, entering our new Facebook contest couldn’t be any easier!

Just visit MeloTel’s Facebook page and tag four people in the comment section below the post about the contest. As long as you and each of the people you’ve tagged “like” the MeloTel Facebook page, you’ll be eligible to win $200 to split between you and your friends – $100 for you and $25 each for your tagged friends.

We’ve gone back to running contests on Facebook because they’re just so much fun to do! However, there’s an obvious benefit to our business in launching these initiatives. Aside from the prize money, our Facebook contests are free for us to launch. But the attention they generate is unlike any other advertising campaign we’ve ever tried.

Social media contests help your business to become a “brand name”.

It’s an unfortunate business fact. No matter how high the quality of your products and services is, your company is considered a “no name brand” by people who have never heard of it. To establish your brand as one that is a force to be reckoned with in its industry, a Facebook contest is practically a must-try, at the very least.

“Even if the contest doesn’t result in a large number of immediate conversions, the constant appearance of your brand in social media feeds can impact how people think about the related product or service—next time they are in need, your brand comes to mind,” writes Azfar Hisham on, “Increase your exposure rate by offering daily entries in the contest , which encourages consumers to share repeatedly.”

Social media contests help to grow your customer base.

It’s one thing to be an established and well-known name in your industry. It’s another thing to be a leader in sales. As mentioned, a social media contest may not necessarily generate immediate sales. But it will certainly allow you to interact with far more people than if you stayed off of social media altogether. Naturally, the more relationships you develop, the higher your chances are of boosting your sales.

“When Leneys, a women’s apparel company started business on Facebook back in 2011, not many people knew about them,” explains Aaron Lee on, “They decided to run a Facebook contest so that people would know about their page. The contest was promoted using the help of Facebook ads and people started sharing the contest with their friends and a group of people flocked to the page. A lot of them ended up to be buyers up to this day.”

MeloTel’s latest Facebook contest closes at 8 a.m. EST on September 20th, 2019.

At that time, all comments on the contest post will be disabled. We will then verify if you and your friends have qualified for the $200 cash prize. Remember that each person tagged in your comment must like our page. Qualified entries will be placed into a hat on a LIVE Facebook Stream on September 21st, 2019 at 11 a.m. EST when the winners will be announced.

Good luck!

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