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3 Signs You Need To Update Your Website’s Content More Often

In our last blog, we revisited the importance of content marketing. As we pointed out, a company without a website practically doesn’t exist. But, let’s be honest. Most businesses have websites. But do those websites get updated often enough? The MeloTel Blog is a prime example of how a website can be updated on a regular basis. And today’s blog entry will describe the problems that exist when websites aren’t updated regularly enough.

Here are three signs you need to update your website’s content more often:

1. Your website doesn’t generate a lot of traffic.

In today’s business world, a company’s website needs to rank high in search engines in order for it to receive a lot of hits. The more often you update the content on your site, the friendlier search engines will be to it. In other words, the websites with the more frequently updated content are usually the ones you find in your Google searches.

“Not only is good-quality, original content great for SEO purposes, it’s also a brilliant way to drive traffic to a website and keep consumers on the site for longer,” says Teagan West on, “For example, a website with just a homepage and contact page will receive much higher bounce rates, limited page views and very little engagement, whereas a website with an onsite blog packed full of engaging content leaves an impression on the user and encourages them to interact with the site and visit multiple pages.”

2. You’re not receiving many phone calls from your website’s visitors.

What are people doing when they visit your website? Are they quickly browsing through it and then logging off? Or are they sticking around to read your content? You’ll know the answer to these questions based on what your callers tell you. How often do you hear “I saw on your website…” from a potential customer who calls you up? If it’s a very rare occurrence, you need more engaging content on your site to get your visitors more interested in what your business has to offer.

“When people are searching for a product or service, they a looking for a solution to their problem(s),” explains Evie Harrison of Rapid Boost Marketing, “And the company that explains best how their product/service can solve that problem wins over the customer. Content marketing gives you the opportunity to not only address the issue but also tell the consumer how it can benefit them in some ways.”

3. Your other online marketing strategies aren’t producing good results.

Have you delved into online advertising practices that aren’t giving you much of a return on your investments? Not everyone who uses the internet is quick to click on a pop-up ad. The content on your site is meant to be interesting and engaging. Remember, we’re talking about content – not a blatant commercial. Savvy consumers are hip to the differences between what speaks to them and what just advertises to them.

“Digital advertising such as takeovers, banners, videos, and other formats are becoming less efficient,” writes Steve Olenski on, “More people than ever are using ad blockers to deal with the problem of ad fraud. Marketers are faced with the challenge of finding new ways to reach their consumers, in a way that makes them happy rather than makes them angry.”

MeloTel’s Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire are experts at updating websites with relevant content. To learn how they can improve your site, call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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