Business owners tend to talk about their companies a lot. And why shouldn’t they? They’ve worked hard to get it off the ground and work even harder to keep it afloat. Of course, the most successful business owners have gotten their brands to places where they are thriving. So who wouldn’t want to talk about that? No matter how much you talk about your business, however, you will never be its best spokesperson.
You know who will be? Your customers! Hands down, the best possible candidates for “best business promoters for your brand” are the people that support it. And this is why high-level customer service is so imperative. Making your customers happy should always be your top priority. Even if you have the best products and services available in your industry, you will not be considered an industry leader if people don’t enjoy doing business with you.
At MeloTel, we work diligently to show our customers just how much they matter to us. It’s all about the customer experience, as far as we’re concerned. Yes, we work hard to make sure our products are all of a “stand-out” nature. But there’s nothing we enjoy more than satisfying the needs of our customers to the point where they are encouraged to tell others about us. And that just happens to be the first of five signs you know you have happy customers!
1. They refer others to your business. Is there a better way to promote your brand than to have its customers tell friends and family members about it? We think not. A good old referral beats a print ad or television commercial any day. And that’s because the person making the referral hasn’t been hired by the company to recommend it. Word-of-mouth promotion is as genuine as it gets.
2. They keep coming back. Loyalty is huge in any industry. It’s great to welcome new customers through your doors. But it’s even better when those customers keep returning. You know you’re doing something right when people remain loyal to your brand. Remember, they always have options. And you’re bound to have competition. When your customers choose you over your competitors, it shows you’re doing something right.
3. They’re smiling. Take a look at the faces of the customers who support your brand. Are they smiling? Believe it or not, most consumers will rank their customer experiences over the products and services as reasons they continue doing business with certain companies. Making sure your place of business is a welcoming, energetic and fun atmosphere is one way to achieve happy, smiling customers.
4. They call you by name. Making friends with your customers is an excellent way to ensure that they are happy ones. Now, you’re not required, of course, to invite them to all of your birthday parties. But exchanging simple pleasantries when you see them can go a long way. When your customers enter your store asking for you by name, you know that they see you as more than just some random business owner. Make an effort to know their names too!
5. They call you for help. As a business owner, you can be called upon for a lot more than just providing a product or service. People who like you are bound to call you for tips and advice that are related to your industry. A good mechanic, for example, will often take calls about problems with cars that he or she may be able to fix over the phone. Doing so willingly will ensure that you keep your customers happy for the long haul.
Speaking of taking calls, we’d love to take yours! At MeloTel, we strive to keep our customers happy. Go ahead and put us to the test. For any questions, concerns or inquiries about our services, simply dial 1-888-MELOTEL.