MeloTel News
MeloTel Is Closed Today To Continue Celebrating Canada
As you are very well aware, this past Wednesday was Canada Day! We hope you thoroughly enjoyed whatever you decided to do to celebrate this wonderful nation of ours. We understand that the coronavirus pandemic may have thwarted some of your traditions. But, nevertheless, we hope you were able to...
MeloTel Pulls Facebook Ads In Support Of “Stop Hate For Profit” Campaign
MeloTel has always stood for justice and equality. Under no circumstances whatsoever do we agree with any form of racism, hatred or bigotry. Shortly after the tragic murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota in May, MeloTel affirmed its strong stance in an official statement. However, the fight for justice...
Happy Canada Day From The MeloTel Team!
It’s that time of year again! The summer has officially gotten underway, the sun is shining down warmly and Canadians are getting ready to celebrate their country’s birthday. Tomorrow is Canada Day! And this year, the Great White North celebrates its 153th year as a nation. On July 1, 1867,...
A Dose Of MeloTel’s Tech Support Can Make Your Day
It’s an extreme rarity that you’ll find me writing a blog in the first person. However, my experiences today insist upon me providing a firsthand account of what it’s like to receive customer service from MeloTel’s tech support department. You see, even though I’m a member of the MeloTel team,...
So What Exactly Is A MeloTel Web ChatBot Anyway?
In our last blog, we excitedly announced our brand new service called the MeloTel Web ChatBot. Also known as “MeloBot”, it’s an innovative new service that enables any and all visitors to your website to interact with a chat interface. We also announced that we are offering all clients a...
Try The New MeloTel Web ChatBot For Free!
MeloTel is excited to announce a brand new service! It’s called the MeloTel Web ChatBot – but we lovingly refer to it as “MeloBot” for short. It’s an innovative new service that enables any and all visitors to your website to interact with a chat interface. With MeloTel Web ChatBot,...
Revisiting What Makes MeloText Such A Great Business Booster
Last week, the MeloTel Blog returned to the topic of MeloText. Introduced by MeloTel just a little over a year ago, this amazing service has grown in popularity over the past few months. The COVID-19 crisis has changed the way businesses are able to operate. So it only makes sense...
The Importance Of A Strong Homepage Design
When someone logs on to a website, what is the first thing he/she sees? The homepage, of course! So, naturally, the strength of a website’s homepage is vital to the first impression the site makes. Your company website clearly means a lot to your business. And that has never been...