What Makes Texting An Important Part Of Your Company’s Success?

Thanks to smartphones, we can pretty much do anything we like in the palms of our hands. Whether we want to surf the net, listen to music or make a phone call, our smartphones give us easy access to the rest of the world. Naturally, text messaging is part of the group of “things we can do with our mobile devices”. If you’re a business owner, texting is an important part of growing your company’s success. How so?
It gives you a level playing field.
You better believe that other companies are doing it! These days, sending a text is a top method of receiving customer service. If your competitors are that easy to get in touch with, it’s important for you to communicate to your audience that help is only a text message away.
Using text messaging to reach out to customers is also an important way to stand out from your competitors. Imagine the upper hand you’ll receive by texting your customers when your competitors do not. Keep in mind that text messaging is immediate. There is arguably no quicker way to send messages to your customer base than to hit them with messages on their smartphones.
It provides better customer experiences.
Consider the fact that most people have busy schedules. Getting a call takes up a lot more time in a person’s day than getting a text. So guess what? Most consumers PREFER text messages over phone calls. The more you satisfy the needs of your customers, the more loyalty your brand is bound to garner. Texting is a quick and convenient way to both send and receive important messages. Utilizing this technology is a great way to improve customer satisfaction.
It elicits greater responses.
Each year, literally trillions of text messages are sent all across the world. Studies have shown that a whopping 95 percent of all texts sent are generally read within three minutes of their receipt. Meanwhile, less than 15 percent of phone calls to businesses are answered without being placed on hold. As well, about 20 percent of emails never even get opened. The bottom line is that if you want your messages to be read and responded to, text them!
Mobile is simply the way to go.
Earlier, we mentioned that most people use their smartphones to surf the web. However, access to the internet is still available on desktop computers, of course. Text messages, on the other hand, are specific to smartphone use. And do you know anyone who doesn’t own a smartphone? With a text message, you are a lot more likely to connect with its recipient than if you were to send an email.
Texting is non-intrusive.
Text messages give people opportunities to answer on their own time. Unlike phone calls, which must be taken at the times they’re made (unless they’re ignored altogether), text messages have a “get back to me when you can” nature.
Consider the fact that your business hours are likely quite similar to the working hours of your customers. That means that when your messages are sent, your recipients are likely busy. However, because of the extreme likelihood that your text messages will be received, it is a lot more likely that they will be responded to – whenever it is convenient to the recipients!
Are you ready to start texting for your business? To learn about how MeloTel’s MeloText can help grow your company’s success, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL today!
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