Tag Archives: voip
MeloTel Makes It Easy To Work From Home
As we continue to trudge through this very trying pandemic-burdened era of our lives, it’s important to seek new and inventive ways to live life safely. For many workers, all across North America, working from home is a top safety measure. Setting up a work space at home, however, isn’t...
You’d Be Surprised What You Can Get For $30!
In 2021, it doesn’t seem like 30 bucks can buy you a whole lot, can it? Surely, you don’t have to be reminded that inflation has caused the soaring of prices for just about everything we need in our daily lives. Business owners are undoubtedly feeling the brunt of rising...
Why Should You Make The Switch To MeloTel’s Commercial Phone Services?
In recent years, business owners from all over Canada have been switching from their landline telephones to VoIP phone systems at record rates. Every day, the knowledge that VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is the way to go becomes more widespread. Between the crystal clear calling abilities and the myriad...
How To Make It Easier To Work From Home
The calendar has changed, but not a lot has changed with it. COVID-19 continues to plague our lives. 2021 is fully underway but, just like last year, it’s important to wear masks, physically distance and wash our hands in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. In fact,...
Why It’s The Right Time To Make The Switch To VoIP
You could argue that there’s never been a more important time in your company’s history to make the switch to VoIP. Okay, you might not make that argument – but we would! Why? Voice over Internet Protocol has proven to offer businesses a myriad of calling features that enable them...
MeloTel Celebrates Its 12th Anniversary!
On behalf of the entire MeloTel team, we hope your new year has gotten off to an excellent start! Needless to say, 2020 was an extremely tough year for all of us. Who would have thought, one year ago, that we would endure a pandemic that would take far too...
Why VoIP Wins The Battle Against Landlines
We’re willing to bet you’re quite used to using landline phones. They’ve been in existence our whole lives. But truth be told, they’re not as popular as they once were. After all, everyone uses smartphones these days, whether they’re at home or out on the town. So, as a business...
What Factors Make VoIP A Clear Upgrade From Landlines?
Do you still use a VCR to watch movies? We’re guessing your answer is a clear “of course not” coupled with a chuckle or two. We’re also willing to wager a bet that you don’t even use a DVD or Blu-ray player anymore. With video on demand platforms like Netflix,...
4 Reasons Why Being Available To Your Customers Is So Important
"I need you to be there for me." These words represent the feelings of consumers for the businesses they support. Customer satisfaction entails so much more than providing high-quality products and services. It requires dependability. Can your customers rely on you? Something as simple as not picking up your phone...
Why Should You Switch To MeloTel’s Commercial Phone Services?
Are you using VoIP yet? Voice over Internet Protocol isn’t just the way of the future anymore. It’s the way of today! Using an archaic landline means you’re missing out on a wide array of calling features that can help to significantly grow your business. Furthermore, you’re also very likely...