Tag Archives: voip
Enjoy The Freedom Of Being A MeloTel Customer
Here we are in the month of December. It’s amazing that another year is almost over! With that said, the entire MeloTel team would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very happy holiday season! We would especially like to send our best...
Why Being Predictable Isn’t All That Bad
Are you tired of seeing surprise increases on your phone bill each month? This is one of the top complaints we here from clients about their old telecom providers. “Every month, it seemed like there’d be some new charge,” we often hear, “I’d have to waste time calling them every...
Stop Giving Out Your Personal Phone Numbers For Business Use
Stop giving out your personal cell phone number! Quit giving out your home phone number! Stop giving out your pager number! (Okay, those don’t really exist anymore, do they?) With MeloTel’s Single Number Reach, you can do away with ever giving out your personal phone numbers for business purposes again!
Standing In Solidarity With Quebec’s VoIP.ms As They Face A DDoS Attack
Consider today’s blog to be an all points bulletin. The MeloTel team stands in solidarity with all other VoIP providers against those who perpetrate DDoS attacks. DDoS stands for “distributed denial-of-service”. Such an attack is a malevolent attempt to interrupt the standard traffic of a targeted server, service or network...
5 Benefits Of A Business Phone Number
With MeloTel’s Commercial Phone Services, you get more than just a revolutionary way to make and take phone calls. Our phone services are cloud-based. That means that instead of a traditional landline, you’ll be using the internet to connect with your clients, colleagues and co-workers.
What does this entail for your...
How MeloTel Can Help Your Restaurant To Get 5-Star Reviews
The pandemic has hit everybody hard. Needless to remind you, the last year and a half has seen immeasurable physical and mental hardships due to the coronavirus. As well, businesses of all kinds have been hurt by lockdowns. The restaurant industry, in particular, has been damaged in never-before-seen ways. Eateries...
The Art Of Growing Your Business And Saving Money At The Same Time
At MeloTel, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for any and all of your business needs. We’re in the business of helping your business. Because business owners make up our clients, MeloTel can’t be successful if other businesses aren’t successful. Therefore, we’re invested in the betterment of your...
What Is The Best Combination For Your Business?
MeloTel is most certainly not a fast food restaurant. But that doesn’t mean we don’t act like one! When you order up your favourite burger, you likely get a side order of fries with it. However, you don’t have to. You’re completely at liberty to select the combo that works...
With Cloud Softphone, The World Is Your Office!
How great would it be to be able to take your office to the beach with you? After all, the summer is beginning to wind down and you’d like to soak up as much sunrays as possible, right? Well, working on a beach is not the far-fetched idea it once...
3 Steps To Revolutionizing Your Business (And How MeloTel Can Help!)
You want your business to stand out. You want it to be a cut above the rest. But...you don’t necessarily have the big bank account to become a major corporation. Not to worry! Being the owner of a small or medium-sized business can be very beneficial if you play your...