Tag Archives: Twitter
Why High-Quality Images Are So Important In Social Media Posts
Once upon a time, you could log on to Twitter and type out a message. You just had to make sure that your message was no longer than 140 characters. Circa nearly 20 years ago, these types of unique thoughts were considered fairly interesting social media posts. Also known as...
How To Supercharge Your Small Business Through The Power Of Social Media
On behalf of the entire MELO team, we hope you had an amazing long weekend! We would like to send out our belated well wishes to everyone who celebrated Canada Day up here with us on the first of July and Independence Day down south yesterday.
Now that we’re all back...
Why Is Posting To Social Media So Important For Your Business?
Once upon a time, we lived in a world where advertising your business was a pricey endeavour. Companies large enough to afford the production of television commercials knew this all too well. No matter the marketing strategy – radio spots, flyers and billboards among many other methods - a significant...
Are You Increasing Your Brand Awareness On Social Media?
The world has changed. How you present yourself on social media is how people see you. This is most certainly true if you’re a business owner. In today’s world, people place a lot of weight on how companies represent themselves online. It’s extremely common for consumers to surf the internet...
Follow MeloTel On Social Media!
At MeloTel, we really enjoy keeping things fun and free-spirited. Our entire team is made up of very talented individuals who bring a variety of different skill sets to the table. However, each team member is a fun-loving, high-energy type who, in his/her own way, makes our company so much...
The Art Of Leaving Your Content Creation To The Professionals
You don’t have to create your own content. There, we said it. Your life can be made so much easier if you leave all of the content creation to the professionals. At MeloTel, we get it. You’re a busy entrepreneur. You don’t have the time to fiddle around with your...
The Importance Of Regularly Updating Your Social Media Accounts
Statista reports that there are 34.47 million social media users in Canada. With the nation’s population at approximately 38 million people, it is safe to say that nearly everyone in the country is using social media. Clearly, social media provide businesses with ample access to the public. It is vital...
Taking The Carefree Approach To Updating Your Social Media Accounts
I don’t know what to write. I’m not a good writer. Having to update this thing every day is a nuisance!
Are these sentences that you’ve uttered? Do they run through your mind on a regular basis? If so, you’re certainly not alone. There are business owners, all over North America,...
The Art Of Reaching Your Target Audience Through Social Media
In today’s business world, one of the absolute best ways to get your branding messages to your target audience is through social media. No surprise there, right? In all likelihood, you have probably already established accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. But how, exactly, are you utilizing them?
Do you...