Continuing To Spread Messages Of Peace

At the moment, the MeloTel team is having a bit of a hard time focusing on things other than the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Of course, we remain hard at work, doing all we can to provide our clients with the absolute best customer care. As always, we’re very proud of the many cloud-hosted solutions we offer business owners all across North America. However, we join the rest of the world in mourning the tragic turn of events in Eastern Europe.
Earlier this week, we posted a blog entitled, “We Are Praying For World Peace”. It served as MeloTel’s official statement about Russia’s unwarranted invasion of Ukraine. And, while we have every intention of maintaining business as usual for our clients, we can’t help but acknowledge our sadness. We understand that things are nowhere near usual in Ukraine. Our entire team continues pray for world peace.
Our content represents our character.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.” This is one of the most poignant portions of the powerful “I Have A Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It highlights how important it is that we all view each other as equals.
This is why the MeloTel Facebook page and Instagram account have taken to posting anti-war, pro-Ukraine content all week long. Some of our posts have included videos of demonstrators in Toronto, where MeloTel is headquartered. Thousands of people took to the downtown streets, this week, to wave flags in solidarity with the currently war-torn nation. We stand in solidarity with them.
The force of a united world is stronger than that of a single man and his ego.
This statement represented one of our Quotes of the Day this week. Clearly referencing the instigator of this war, this quote serves as another of MeloTel’s statements about world peace. Needless to say, we want it more than anything.
As we alluded to, the content of MeloTel’s character means a lot to us. It goes without saying that we have a business to run and money to make in order to run it. However, we feel that there is no better way to represent our brand than to communicate honest, heartfelt messages to any and everyone who follows us online. “Stop War Now” was the Quote of the Day we posted to Facebook and Instagram yesterday.
John Lennon has provided us with more than one Quote of the Day.
The late Beatles member has written one of the most beautiful songs ever in “Imagine”. In our last blog, we quoted some of the lyrics. We felt it was appropriate to end today’s blog with the following. It was also posted in an animated Quote of the Day on our Facebook page this week.
“You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one.”