MeloTel News
Keeping Our Customers In The Loop
We can’t lie. Last week was a pretty frustrating one for us, here at MeloTel. Hey, no one ever said that running a business wouldn’t come without its hardships. But what is most frustrating for us is when we have system issues that are beyond our control and, in turn,...
Web Server Incident Report – August 2, 2012
The short description: The server backups took longer than expected and as the web traffic started to grow the server got overloaded and crashed.
TIMELINE for Thursday, August 2nd, 2012, 10:15-19:20
10:15 The first internal monitoring alert arrived
10:17 First customer e-mail arrived
10:18 First attempt to log in to the server
10:18 Acknowledged the...
Web Server Incident Report – August 2, 2012
The short description: The server backups took longer than expected and as the web traffic started to grow the server got overloaded and crashed.
TIMELINE for Thursday, August 2nd, 2012, 10:15-19:20
10:15 The first internal monitoring alert arrived
10:17 First customer e-mail arrived
10:18 First attempt to log in to the server
10:18 Acknowledged the...
Know Your Telemarketing Rules And Rights
By now, we're pretty sure you are well aware of our take on scam artists – we don't like them. And with one trying to put the moves on MeloTel President, John Meloche earlier this week, we thought it was best to provide some important information on how scammers can...
Know Your Telemarketing Rules And Rights
By now, we're pretty sure you are well aware of our take on scam artists – we don't like them. And with one trying to put the moves on MeloTel President, John Meloche earlier this week, we thought it was best to provide some important information on how scammers can...
Putting A Stop To Telemarketing Scams
It's “Stop The Scammers Week” here, at MeloTel! And as you can likely tell from our last blog, we're pretty serious about the upholding of integrity in the business world. We do all we can, at MeloTel, to operate in the most forthright and honest possible way with each and...
Stop Scammers Now!
Having integrity is of paramount importance to us, here at MeloTel. Providing top-notch products and services is only a part of what makes us a proud company. Without delivering upon our mission statement to uphold an ethical and honest approach to all of our business dealings, we would not feel...
Break Through To Your Fans On Facebook
This week, we decided to dedicate our blogs to the concept of Facebook advertising. More specifically, we have shared our thoughts on how you can be more engaging with your customers through the worldwide social networking phenomenon. It is working for MeloTel, so we know that it can work for...
Break Through To Your Fans On Facebook
This week, we decided to dedicate our blogs to the concept of Facebook advertising. More specifically, we have shared our thoughts on how you can be more engaging with your customers through the worldwide social networking phenomenon. It is working for MeloTel, so we know that it can work for...
Tips To Make You Tops On Facebook
In our last blog, we discussed the importance of keeping your fans, friends and followers engaged on Facebook. Keeping in mind that the social networking juggernaut is primarily a source for people from all over the world to communicate with each other, Facebook can be a great advertising tool. The...