MeloTel Features, MeloTel News

Making Up Your Message

In one of our recent blogs, we made mention of the fact that MeloTel considers itself a “people company”. At least, this is how one of our great clients actually referred to us. This is because we go to great lengths to build relationships with our customers. It’s not just about providing a service, as far as we are concerned.

To the MeloTel Team, working with customers is all about ensuring that their businesses are functioning at their highest levels possible. We know that this means strong efforts from our staff members, as we work in conjunction with our clients to meet and exceed their needs. These long-lasting relationships, of course, keep all parties in business.

So again, it’s important for us to really think about the people running their companies as people – not just clients. Our focus is on making them happy. Being mindful of this, our company President, John Meloche goes out of his way to personally handle a large number of inquiries about MeloTel.

Being a “people company” means always putting a face to the name of business. Needless to say, John is the face of MeloTel, and as such, he has a personal message for all of his company’s clients. In fact, you can read the Message From The President for yourself! It helps to unveil the “personality” of MeloTel.

“Like many other decision makers, I am sure you understand that quality service and communication are most important when it comes to your service,” says John, “MeloTel is servicing businesses and franchises with that philosophy. This ensures you have the qualified experience to back your company’s best interests anywhere in Canada and beyond.”

So what is your company’s message? Do you consider your business a “people company”? Do your customers feel that they can directly communicate with you and get a sincere appreciation for their needs? It’s not the easiest thing in the world to do, especially if you run a large company with numerous customers.

But, that’s where MeloTel can step in. We work in conjunction with companies to help build their brands. Our Bloggers For Hire department, for example, is what assists businesses in having a voice that communicates directly with their target audiences. Speaking of voices, our Voice Talent Production team literally lets your brand message be beautifully heard!

More and more companies across Canada are switching to MeloTel. And we believe that being a voice of the people is a big reason as to why. We hear your voices so that they may be heard by others. To discover how MeloTel can help make your message clearer to your clients, give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL.

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