Industry News
How Call Forwarding Can Practically Save Your Business
“She’s not available right now.”
“I’m sorry. He isn’t in the office yet. Can I take a message?”
“I apologize. I can’t locate him at the moment.”
The above phrases may appear to be popular responses to requests to speak to a business owner. And, by “popular”, we only mean that they seem...
What Factors Make VoIP A Clear Upgrade From Landlines?
Do you still use a VCR to watch movies? We’re guessing your answer is a clear “of course not” coupled with a chuckle or two. We’re also willing to wager a bet that you don’t even use a DVD or Blu-ray player anymore. With video on demand platforms like Netflix,...
Continuing To Stop The Spread Of COVID-19 In Your Workplace
On behalf of the entire MeloTel team, we hope you are all in great health and continuing to be safe. The coronavirus pandemic has certainly changed all of our lives. Now, that August is well underway, we can all say we’ve had several months of experience learning how to deal...
How Feedback Is A Key To Your Company’s Success
No matter what type of business you run, feedback will always be a very important part of its success. Think about it. These days, people are only too happy to express how unhappy they are with the businesses they feel wronged by. Between Yelp and the myriad of social media...
Why It’s Time To Add A ChatBot To Your Website
Have you ever spoken with a ChatBot? Chances are that you have without even knowing it! Did you know about 85 percent of the online conversations you have on company websites aren’t with real humans? ChatBots are used by businesses of all types. It might just be time for your...
Are You Offering The Comfort Of A Local Call?
How do you feel when you receive a call and notice a local area code popping up on your caller ID? We’re guessing you feel a sense of comfort and familiarity. Now what about getting calls from numbers from other area codes? Not so comfortable and familiar, are you? Believe...
How To Improve Your Social Media Engagement
The advent of social media provided an entirely new way for people to communicate with each other. Today, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and so many other platforms are among the most popular ways to send and receive messages all over the world. Naturally, businesses have taken to social media in...
Is Your Website In Need Of A Facelift?
We have to be honest with you. Chances are we would never recommend getting a facelift. The plastic surgery look is just that – plastic. We’re more of the “au natural” type. Accept your beauty for what it is! Now, when it comes to your website, however, we take a...
4 Reasons Why Being Available To Your Customers Is So Important
"I need you to be there for me." These words represent the feelings of consumers for the businesses they support. Customer satisfaction entails so much more than providing high-quality products and services. It requires dependability. Can your customers rely on you? Something as simple as not picking up your phone...