MeloTel Features, MeloTel News

We Guarantee Your Satisfaction

Over the past couple of weeks, the MeloTel Blog has been jammed pack with information about all of our latest products and services. Of course, these new features all come with a commitment to providing our clients with the best possible customer service available in any industry.

Now, sure it’s one thing to say that we provide top-notch service, but we know that’s it’s another thing to guarantee it! Without question, one of the most frustrating things that customers can go through is the feeling that the companies they are dealing with are not treating them as priorities.

Well, at MeloTel, we stand behind each and every one of our commitments to satisfy, not to mention the great products and services we offer. This is why we offer at 30-day money back guarantee! That’s right, our guarantee is our way of saying that you will be provided with unbeatable products with incomparable service to boot each and every time.

This guarantee, by the way, is good for any tier of MeloTel services. Very simply, if you are unsatisfied in any way with any of the products or services provided to you by MeloTel, then you will be able to cancel your services for a full refund. Just a reminder, you would need to have canceled the service within the 30 days of the original order date.

In addition, your refund would be applied to any and all service charges that you may have incurred during that 30 day span. We will not prorate any of your service fees. So, with MeloTel, you will basically be enjoying a 30-day free trial no matter what service you are receiving!

Now, how many telephone companies can promise you that? Check that…how many companies of any kind are that committed to your total satisfaction as a customer? We know that it is important to you to have your company running in tip-top shape by being able to depend on all of your technologies.

MeloTel will not only ensure that you are equipped with the latest technologies, but we will make sure that you are guaranteed the ultimate customer service experience as well. Our official Quality of Service Guarantee holds us to that promise. And we’re not in the business of breaking promises!

As we’ve made pretty evident, we take great pride in our company and it means a lot to us to have our clients take pride in working with us as well.

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