Tag Archives: Canada
Why Choosing Melo Technology Is A Win For Canadians
Forgive the cliché, but unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re well aware of the current trade dispute between Canada and the United States. Thanks to the implementation of new tariffs by the American government, Canadians are being encouraged to ramp up their support of local businesses. The Melo...
How A 3D Virtual Tour Can Boost Bookings At Your Hotel
With October now in full swing and the summer clearly behind us, many Canadians are thinking about taking vacations. They’re currently in the process of researching destinations and the hotels found in some of their spots of choice. Since the vast majority of research is done online these days, a...
Canada Launches New 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline
There will never come a time when a listening ear isn’t incredibly valuable. This is especially true in a world where mental health issues are abound. Melo Technology is proud to be a telecommunications service provider that plays a vital role in ensuring that Canadians have a way to attain...
Happy Thanksgiving To Our American Friends!
MeloTel prides itself on being a Canadian business. Based in Toronto, Ontario, our company happily works with small and medium-sized businesses all over Canada. Part of our mandate is to provide incomparable cloud-hosted services that are coupled with unbeatable customer service. The other part of our mandate is to have...
MeloTel Now Offers French-First Options To Quebec-Based Clients
Happy Canada Day everyone! We realize we’re a little early since Canada Day comes this Friday. However, if you weren’t already aware, MeloTel is a proud Canadian company. We wish everyone a very happy and safe Canada Day long weekend. But, perhaps more importantly, we would like to inspire every...
MeloTel Is Closed Today To Continue Celebrating Canada
As you are very well aware, this past Wednesday was Canada Day! We hope you thoroughly enjoyed whatever you decided to do to celebrate this wonderful nation of ours. We understand that the coronavirus pandemic may have thwarted some of your traditions. But, nevertheless, we hope you were able to...
Happy Canada Day From The MeloTel Team!
It’s that time of year again! The summer has officially gotten underway, the sun is shining down warmly and Canadians are getting ready to celebrate their country’s birthday. Tomorrow is Canada Day! And this year, the Great White North celebrates its 153th year as a nation. On July 1, 1867,...
A Message From MeloTel: Customers Wanted
On behalf of the entire MeloTel team, we hope you are in good health and staying safe. No matter where you are in the world, you still have this unfortunate pandemic to contend with. We join you in looking forward to a time when life will resume in a way...
Dear Patriotic Business Owner – It’s Time For Made In Canada
Dear Patriotic Business Owner,
In these unprecedented times it’s more important than ever to band together as a nation and do your part where and when you can to help us all get through these harsh times.
The more we invest our businesses operating costs into small businesses and shopping locally the...