Rebranding Is Not A Bad Thing
In our last blog, we discussed the importance of updating your company logo. This undertaking doesn’t have to be something you do often. In fact, it’s best you give your logo time to catch on. However, never updating the look and feel of your company’s chief identifying symbol will convey that your business may be behind the times.
An April 2009 article on details the benefits of creating a new company logo. It also provides insight on why some business owners are afraid to make any changes. Some of this fear comes from the idea that customers may get confused if they don’t see a logo that they recognize.
According to the site, “logo recognition with small and medium size businesses, quite honestly is rare. Concern over logo recognition is assuming that you have some and that the recognition is positive. This goes hand in hand with the feeling that the audience has a connection with your brand.”
Changing your logo can bring greater attention to your brand. If for no other reason, a logo change in and of itself is a reason to talk about your business. As we mentioned in our last blog, the Toronto Blue Jays pulled this off in stylish fashion last week when they unveiled their new team jerseys.
With the end of November looming, it’s obviously not time to play baseball. But the fact that the Blue Jays have a new logo and uniforms has got the entire city talking. Well, at least the city’s baseball fans seem pretty excited. points out that when Pepsi changed their logo in 2009, it brought a lot of attention to the soft drink company.
In the case of both the Blue Jays and Pepsi, small but significant changes were made to each logo design. That way, little was done to cause a major concern about fans of each product experiencing a lack of recognition. Instead, a cause for excitement over the change became the inevitable result.
As points out, Pepsi’s sales increased after their logo change. Time will tell just how much merchandise and tickets the Blue Jays sell as a result of their new look. One thing is for sure though – there is a lot of excitement about baseball in Toronto at this time. And next season doesn’t being until April!
The website reminds us that “Now is not the time to be afraid of making a move. Now is the time to reinvent yourself, surpass your competitors, draw attention to yourself and reap the rewards of forward thinking. Be honest with yourself and most of all adopt change as a requirement for your business from this point forward.”