MeloTel Features, MeloTel News

Our Upgrade Makes Your Life Easier

At MeloTel, we strive to provide the ultimate customer service experience. And as you may have been able to tell from the attitudes of the members of our team that we have blogged about, we love making your life easier! In some cases, that entails taking care of problems for you on the spot.

Not everyone in the world is tech-savvy, even though we are living in a pretty tech-heavy world. It seems like just about everyone each and every day is working away on their smartphones and computers making use of all of the latest technologies. But this doesn’t mean that things always go their way.

From time to time, system issues arise that require assistance. And, if you’re not an expert on how to overcome these issues, who can you go to for help? MeloTel, that’s who! We’re happy to announce that we have just upgraded our support system that allows us to provide Live Remote Support!

And what does that mean exactly? Well, let’s suppose you are having a little problem with your computer and can’t find where to go in your system to resolve it. MeloTel now uses the latest and greatest version of TeamViewer – TeamViewer 7 to be exact. This means that all of our agents are capable of offering you live computer assistance as if they were sitting right next to you!

TeamViewer 7 allows our support staff to literally take over control of your computer from a remote location. Sitting in front of your screen, you’ll be able to witness your MeloTel tech assistant working with your computer as if he or she was using it with you. We’ll be able to show you where to go, and help you with what to do without you having to lift a finger.

We’ve had clients liken the experience to “watching a ghost take over control of the computer”. We promise you though, it’s really not all that spooky – even though Halloween is coming up. We used to use an older version of TeamViewer – TeamViewer 4 specifically.

Our recent upgrade, however, allows us to provide you with better service – quicker and more efficient. A quick call to MeloTel at 1-888-MELOTEL will get a member of our staff to take over your computer temporarily so that your issues are resolved immediately. It’s actually quite fascinating stuff!

Talk about making your life easier. No more waiting for a technician to arrive in your office or home to take a look at your computer. TeamViewer 7 allows us to take care of your tech issues from a remote location so that you don’t have to waste a second of time. Your business is important to you. So it’s important to us to attend to your business needs as quickly as we can. Our latest upgrade helps us to do just that!

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