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Let MeloTel Shower Your Site!

web-design-300x183We all take showers every day. Well, maybe most of us do! The point is that it’s important to stay fresh. The same goes for your food. You don’t leave leftovers out on the counter over night, do you? Of course not. Into the fridge or the freezer they go. And why? It’s all about staying fresh. So if we’re going to treat our bodies and our food with that type of respect, why hasn’t your website changed in years?

How often have you visited a company website only to see that it hasn’t had any updates in ages? This is definitely not the way to communicate to your potential customers that your business is staying fresh. It’s a lot more than just keeping up with the times or looking professional. It’s about keeping up with the rapidly-changing technological advances of today.

More importantly, a freshly-updated website communicates to your target audience that you care about their needs. Acknowledging that they need cutting edge products and services is done through how you maintain your online image. After all, most customers go online to browse long before they enter the doors of your place of business. Is your website inviting?

Does your website make it seem like you are current and constantly on top of your game? If not, it’s time for a revamp. If you’re looking to upgrade or redesign your website, MeloTel has a variety of web design packages to choose from. Depending on your needs and your budget, we can build you a custom website that will do exactly what you want it to do – attract customers.

Don’t assume that we don’t practice what we preach, here at MeloTel. We’ve had a completely revamped website in the works for a few weeks now. We’re eagerly anticipating the day that we unveil it…so be sure to stay tuned! For our very own company, we felt that a change was needed to communicate the ever-growing nature of our brand.

Some major changes are headed the way of MeloTel in the coming months and we are incredibly excited about it. As a result, we would like for our clients and colleagues to be excited about it as well. The new website will be sleeker and even easier to navigate through. It will get our customers directly to the features that most interest them quickly and efficiently.

But all in all, it will look “fresher”. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the MeloTel website is about to take a well-needed shower! How long has your website been out of the tub? Give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL to discuss the various web design packages that we offer. As mentioned earlier, they come at various prices to meet your budget limitations, all the while meeting your project requirements.

They include the The Basics as $1299 which “much like your first car” will be a perfect beginner website package. The Kick Starter at $1700 also allows you to self-manage your new site. The Pro Business is $2700 and offers a complete custom solution to reflect all of your needs. And the wondrous $3900 Biz E-Com is powered by OpenCart. You will not be disappointed. Let MeloTel freshen you up today!

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