Let MeloTel Shine The Spotlight On You!

At MeloTel, we love our customers! We know that, without them, there really is no MeloTel. As we pointed out in our last blog, it is part of our mandate to help other businesses grow. Our version of “help” isn’t just about providing top-notch cloud-hosted services. It actually has more to do with developing and growing our customer relationships.
With our customer base being made up of business owners, we know that there are few ways to better build our relationships than to put concerted efforts into promoting their brands. This is why we started the “Client Spotlight” series on the MeloTel Blog nearly a decade ago. There’s no better type of promotion than word of mouth promotion. And we’re only too happy to promote the businesses owned by the great people we already support.
We’ve written a bunch of Client Spotlight blogs over the years.
Among the clients we’ve spotlighted are Imprezzio Marketing, Annex Cat Rescue, TK Enterprises Inc., Trillium TLC and Envirotek Solutions to name a few. Please take a few moments to click on these provided links to read about these awesome clients of ours. These businesses represent a variety of industries and they all provide unique and highly valuable services. Check them out!
Our Client Spotlight blog series is aptly named. Quite simply, we shine the proverbial spotlight on a client by interviewing one of its members. Usually, we speak to the company’s founder and/or CEO to get some insight into how the business started and how it has grown. Of course, we touch upon the relationship between the company and MeloTel to highlight how we’ve helped each other to prosper.
Can we shine the spotlight your way?
If you’re a MeloTel client and wouldn’t mind having us conduct a short interview with you, your business could be the next one we spotlight! Take a minute to fill out our Client Spotlight Request Form and we’ll set up a date and time that is convenient for to you for a phone interview.
All the form requires is your full name, business name, phone number, email address and website address. We also give you the opportunity to upload your company logo so we can display it in the blog post’s image. The form also has boxes for you to quickly tell us about your organization, remind us how long you’ve been a MeloTel customer, explain what prompted your switch to MeloTel as a service provider and let us in on how MeloTel has changed your business.
Of course, you also have the option of simply giving us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL to set up your interview. That way, we can pull some direct quotes from you for the Client Spotlight blog on your business!
Check out tomorrow’s Client Spotlight blog on Hire Value!
Calgary, Alberta’s Hire Value offers recruitment expertise to business owners who are looking to bolster their staffs with top talent. We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Hire Value’s Founder and CEO, Shelley Billinghurst for our next Client Spotlight blog. Shelley has over 25 years of specializing in recruitment and brings an expert level understanding of the provincial, national and global labour market.
The Hire Value Client Spotlight blog will be posted tomorrow. Be sure to check it out!