Happy Canada Day From The MeloTel Team!

It’s that time of year again! The summer has officially gotten underway, the sun is shining down warmly and Canadians are getting ready to celebrate their country’s birthday. Tomorrow is Canada Day! And this year, the Great White North celebrates its 153th year as a nation. On July 1, 1867, the Constitution Act (formerly the British North America Act) united the three separate colonies of the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick into a single Dominion. Thus, the nation of Canada was officially born.
We’re guessing 2020’s Canada Day will be one to remember. Of course, we’re all still contending with the coronavirus pandemic. It has changed things quite dramatically. Chances are there won’t be as many tightly-packed gatherings for firework displays this year. The country is still urged to practice social distancing. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves. We imagine that people all over the country will be taking some time off to enjoy their families and friends.
Please note that MeloTel will be closed tomorrow and Friday.
This year’s Canada Day is also a strange one. It takes place smack dab in the middle of the week! Who likes having a holiday on a Wednesday? Nevertheless, our team will be given the day off as it is a statutory holiday in Canada tomorrow. However, to allow our team members to enjoy a traditional Canada Day long weekend, MeloTel will also be closed on Friday, July 3rd.
We hope that you all enjoy a wonderful Canada Day, no matter how you choose to celebrate it! Earlier this week, the members of the MeloTel team shared some of their Canada Day thoughts and well wishes. We’d like to offer them to you today.
The MeloTel team wishes you a Happy Canada Day!
“I am proud to be Canadian because we invented the Telephone, Basketball, Ice Hockey, the Odometer, the Snowmobile, Peanut Butter, the Zipper and Hawaiian Pizza!” remarked MeloTel’s Founder and CEO, John Meloche.
“This year, Canada Day celebrations will look different than it has in the past,” said Chantel Cascanette, “But this year could be the year of new traditions, new ways of celebrating without the bravado of the holiday. I hope you take some time to reflect and appreciate the smaller things in your life that may have been overlooked. Relax and take a beat. Happy Canada Day to everyone and stay safe.”
“There is still so much to celebrate,” offered Daniel Faraldo, “While it’s definitely a downer to have COVID-19 interrupt our celebrations, it’s an important time to remember how fortunate we are to be living north of the border. I’m proud of the fact that I live in a multicultural society that, for the most part, cherishes our differences. Of course, there is a lot of work to be done, in Canada, to right the wrongs of the past. But, I’m confident our nation will be a leader in showing the world how racial equality is a cornerstone of a truly free and strong nation.”
Happy Canada Day everyone! Remember to stay safe!