Industry News, Just For Fun

Feel Free To Be Friendly And Follow

As you know, the MeloTel website recently went through another face lift and unveiled a new sleekly designed layout. Complete with new colour scheme, the improved website has now made it even easier for visitors to peruse through the many products, services and features offered by our company.

In addition, our website also directly links to our Facebook and Twitter profiles keeping them updated with each of our blogs. And as you also may know, we often blog about social networking knowing that it has practically become the most popular way in the world for people to communicate with each other.

As a result, “liking”, “following” and “tweeting” have also become part of the modern-day vocabulary. They are widely known as ways to keep people abreast about what you’re doing each and every day. What better way to promote what your company is up to online? Firstly, setting up and updating these profiles can be done for free.

But secondly, it provides business owners with a completely new and inventive revenue stream – if used correctly, of course. By that, we mean that you actually have to be social in order for social networking to work as a great promotional tool for you. You can’t simply advertise. You need to communicate.

This is why, in addition to having our blogs post regularly on Facebook and Twitter, we also post all types of personal messages on our profiles. In fact, over the past week, we have posted links to a cool YouTube video and even other websites that highlight important news stories. Just for fun.

We know that these links will provide either relevant information or worthwhile entertainment to our followers. Naturally, we acknowledge that while Facebook and Twitter isn’t face-to-face communication, we are still talking with everyday people. So we do our best to keep in contact every day.

So here is yet another commitment we’d like to offer you. Any time you mention MeloTel in a tweet, we’ll happily tweet back to introduce you to our many followers! One way to do this is through what is known as “Follow Friday”. Each Friday, tweet “#FF” followed by a list of people (including us!) that you think others should follow.

“Follow Friday”, it seems, has become the newest way to help yourself – and others – grow their list of followers! So feel free to follow us and we’ll be sure to help others do the same for you. Don’t forget to find us Facebook and “like” us as well. It’s the friendly thing to do!

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