Industry News, MeloTel Features

Complaints Rocking Telecom Industry

Here, at MeloTel, we do all that we can to ensure that our customers are happy. After all, we know what it’s like to be customers ourselves. And we’ve probably shared your experiences with having to call up a company only to have to sift through countless voice prompts trying to get a live operator on the phone.

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, sometimes the representative you finally get in touch with is either less knowledgeable about the service that you’re calling for than you’d like…or they’re just plain rude! Sadly, this seems to be most prevalent among telecommunications companies. At least, this is what many of our clients have told us.

In fact, Stefania Moretti of QMI Agency confirmed this belief last Friday in an article where she details the growing dissatisfaction with such companies among Canadian consumers. We suppose this is to be expected as the usage of smartphones across Canada is growing exponentially.

So with more customers comes more complaints right? While we don’t think that has to always be true, Moretti reveals that complaints regarding home phone, long-distance, mobile and internet disputes were actually up by a whopping 114 per cent this year! Of those complaints, a very telling 80 per cent were about billing errors or contract disputes.

Writes Moretti: “The Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS) accepted 8,007 legitimate consumer complaints of the more than 70,000 that poured in over the course of the year.” And among those complaints, wireless services lead the pack in being the top reason for the issues.

According to the CCTS’ fourth annual report, 62.3 per cent of all complaints were about mobile services. Perhaps, this shouldn’t be too surprising. Have you ever gone a day without hearing someone complain about their cell phone service? We suppose it only makes sense considering that just about everyone uses such a service.

Nevertheless, we recognize, here at MeloTel, that people take the services they receive from the companies they work with very seriously. This is why we have a Satisfaction Guarantee for our clients and work diligently to make sure that all their needs are met promptly!

As always, we keep ourselves readily available to assist our customers at any time. Be sure to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or simply check out our Contact page to discover the variety of ways that you can get in touch with us. Phone, fax, email or even a live online chat with a representative – we insist on making your complaints things of the past!

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