MeloTel News
Making Up For Lost Time
At MeloTel, we work pretty hard to make sure that our customers are happy. This is because we know that it's pretty easy to make them upset. Many of our newest clients have switched to MeloTel because they seek the type of personalized service that will meet their needs in...
Making Up For Lost Time
At MeloTel, we work pretty hard to make sure that our customers are happy. This is because we know that it's pretty easy to make them upset. Many of our newest clients have switched to MeloTel because they seek the type of personalized service that will meet their needs in...
Making Up Your Message
In one of our recent blogs, we made mention of the fact that MeloTel considers itself a “people company”. At least, this is how one of our great clients actually referred to us. This is because we go to great lengths to build relationships with our customers. It's not just...
Making Up Your Message
In one of our recent blogs, we made mention of the fact that MeloTel considers itself a “people company”. At least, this is how one of our great clients actually referred to us. This is because we go to great lengths to build relationships with our customers. It's not just...
Making Up The MeloTel Team
At MeloTel, we often talk about the importance of offering customers the ultimate experience. We know that it is a healthy combination of great products and services in addition to impeccable customer service that makes any business great. So naturally, we strive to meet the highest standards possible and actually...
Crazy Ways To Keep Connected
There are a lot of ways to describe what we do here at MeloTel. Yes, we proudly provide VoIP Telephone Services as well as Voiceover Talent, Website Domain Hosting and even Blogging. But, at the end of the day, we know that as great as all of those services are,...
MeloTel Gives Power To The People
At MeloTel, we talk a lot about pleasing our customers. It is what drives the members of our staff each and every day. And why? Well, we’re customers too. We know what it is like to wait in long line ups at the grocery store when only one person is...
MeloTel Gives Power To The People
At MeloTel, we talk a lot about pleasing our customers. It is what drives the members of our staff each and every day. And why? Well, we’re customers too. We know what it is like to wait in long line ups at the grocery store when only one person is...
MeloTel Is Moving On Up!
Seriously. It’s as if “The Jeffersons” worked for MeloTel – because we’re truly moving on up! (But not necessarily to the east side.) MeloTel is extremely excited to announce the moving of its data centre from 151 Front St. in Toronto (which is one of Canada’s most popular data centres)...
MeloTel Is Moving On Up!
Seriously. It’s as if “The Jeffersons” worked for MeloTel – because we’re truly moving on up! (But not necessarily to the east side.) MeloTel is extremely excited to announce the moving of its data centre from 151 Front St. in Toronto (which is one of Canada’s most popular data centres)...