MeloTel News
MeloTel VoipPanel3 – Extension Virtualization
An interesting new feature in VoipPanel3 is called extension virtualization. As it might prove useful in many cases, let’s review it. This feature is going to be available in all editions of VoipPanel3.
The basic idea is that we want to separate the phone (device) from the functionality stack, which is setup...
MeloTel VoipPanel3 – Account Levels
We continue our series of VoipPanel3 articles with another important improvement introduced by VoipPanel3 – account level reorganization.
This reorganization will affect any software integration you might have with VoipPanel. Although we tried to preserve compatibility, it was not totally possible, therefore you have to modify your SystemAPI calls to match the new...
MeloTel VoipPanel3 – The API’s
In the past week, we reached an important milestone – less than 100 bugs opened for the VoipPanel3 release. I know, it might sound a lot, but judging on the release size, they are a few.
As the release will not take much longer, we are opening a series of short blog...
MeloTel Offers Options For Optimum Value
Imagine going into a restaurant. Now imagine sitting down at a table and picking up a menu. Now imagine that menu having just one dish on it. It's hard to imagine, right? To be a bit more realistic, imagine not being able to customize your meal to your specifications. What...
MeloTel Answers Your Call For Happiness
At MeloTel, we believe so strongly in customer satisfaction that we've consulted experts in the field of customer service to discover how to provide the best service possible. That's right. We've consulted you! Who better to ask about customer service than customers themselves? It's because we've kept our ears open...
Making Your Business Social Media Savvy
In today's world, technology rules. There's no denying it. It's near impossible to meet anyone who doesn't own a smartphone these days. And that means that, for the most part, we all walk around with these lovely hand-sized computers on our persons each and every day. What that means, of...
MeloTel Provides Top Value For Phone Services
There are many reasons that business owners from all over Canada have been making the switch to MeloTel over the past year. Among the most popular is the lack of good customer service they get from some of the big name telecom providers. As we outlined in our last blog,...
MeloTel Never Leaves You Hanging
In today's world, people like to get things done quickly. This is likely the reason why we have so many drive-thru restaurants and 24/7 convenience stores. Generally, when people want something, they want it now! And who could blame them? In 2013, technology is such that people are able to...
Keep In Touch But Pay Much Less
Keep in touch. How often have you read an email or text message that ends with these three words? They're very popular to use as a closing phrase. But how many of us stick to these instructions? It seems simple enough doesn't it? What, with all of the ways in...
Giving You Reasons To Get Excited
The fact that NHL hockey is returning this Saturday is creating quite the buzz around the water cooler these days. Canadians are especially excited as a winter without hockey is pretty much like a winter without snow. We'd prefer the latter ourselves. Nevertheless, there is snow on the ground –...