MeloTel News
Just How Important To Your Business Are Online Reviews?
The answer to the question posed by today’s blog title was actually answered by the first sentence of our last blog. “Online reviews mean the world to businesses,” it reads. But, as you may have guessed, we’d like to elaborate on that point just a little more. Online reviews have...
Post A Google Review For MeloTel Using Our Friendly New Link!
Online reviews mean the world to businesses. In 2020, a positive online review is worth so much more than a traditional advertising method such as a radio spot, television commercial or flyer. That’s because consumers are smart enough to know that online reviews are generally genuine. Nothing beats word of...
Recalling Our Wonderful Trip To WETRA This Week
For the past two weeks, we have absolutely made it no secret at all that the MeloTel team is staunchly devoted to supporting the wonderful organization known as WETRA. If you’ve been keeping up with our blog, then you are well aware that the Windsor-Essex Therapeutic Riding Association is near...
CTV News Reports On MeloTel’s Big WETRA Donation
As we reported in yesterday’s blog, members of the MeloTel team travelled to Essex, Ontario to offer WETRA a huge cheque. The literally-large cheque was handed over to WETRA Executive Director, Becky Mills by MeloTel’s Founder and CEO, John Meloche. The amount of the cheque was large as well. The...
MeloTel Visits WETRA To Make A Huge Donation!
Today is a very special day for MeloTel. This morning, members of our team travelled south from Toronto to Essex, Ontario in order to pay a special visit to our friends at WETRA. The four and a half hour drive was all in the name of making a personal donation...
Help John To Reach His New Donation Goal!
On behalf of the entire MeloTel team, we would like to thank each and every one of you who donated to John’s Birthday Fundraiser. As we blogged about all of last week, MeloTel’s Founder and CEO turned the big 4-0 yesterday. In celebration of his milestone birthday, John has invited...
The Importance Of Fundraising – Last Call To Donate!
There are only two days left until MeloTel’s Founder and CEO, John Meloche turns the big 4-0! All week long, the MeloTel Blog has been celebrating the big man’s impending milestone birthday by highlighting his philanthropic efforts. Instead of any presents, John is humbly requesting donations be made to WETRA...
Check Out CBC’s Land And Sea Documentary About WETRA!
As you may have noticed, it’s a pretty special week, here in the world of MeloTel. As we approach our Founder and CEO, John Meloche’s 40th birthday this Sunday, we’re working together to try to bring awareness to a fantastic cause. As our last two blogs have highlighted, John is...
John’s Birthday Wish: Donate So Scout Can Keep Doing Great!
As we announced in our last blog, this coming Sunday, January 26th marks MeloTel Founder and CEO, John Meloche’s 40th birthday. However, if you ask the big boss, the big day isn’t about him. He’s intent on raising money for WETRA (Windsor-Essex Therapeutic Riding Association) as part of his milestone...
Celebrate John Meloche’s 40th Birthday By Donating To His Fundraiser!
This month is a very special one for MeloTel’s Founder and CEO, John Meloche. On Sunday, January 26th, the big man finally turns the big 4-0! We’d like to invite you to join us in wishing John the very best as he celebrates his milestone birthday and begins a new...