MeloTel News
Just Another Reminder To Take Advantage Of Our Cloud Softphone
Working from home has become a commonplace facet of many a job throughout North America. Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, people have been forced to set up offices in what are usually their living spaces. This necessary step has been an important way for us all to help stop the...
Why Single Number Reach Is Your Dream Come True
Most of MeloTel’s clients are currently working from home in some form. Even before the coronavirus pandemic forced us all to relocate our businesses to our places of residence, the work-from-home routine was a common one. But it comes with a problem. What most remote workers learn, very early on,...
Sign Up For Instant Notifications Of Service Status Updates
One could argue that we live in a world where immediate updates are considered mandatory. After all, with the advent of social media, we’ve all gotten accustomed to getting access to the latest news within moments of it happening. Immediate updates are at our fingertips every day. A quick visit...
4 Reasons To Use Your Smartphone To Conduct Business
Do you know anyone who doesn’t own a smartphone? We’d be surprised if you could name even one who isn’t a senior citizen. The Androids and iPhones of the world were extremely popular long before the coronavirus pandemic. However, because of the current state of affairs, smartphone use is more...
How A Cloud Softphone Provides The Ultimate Convenience
Have you been enjoying working from home? For many of MeloTel’s clients, working from home is the norm. They’ve long enjoyed VoIP as a solution to their business calling needs. Thanks to VoIP, no one needs to be attached to the business phone located in his/her office – whether it...
Re-introducing You To Cloud Softphone By MeloTel
Over the past decade or so, VoIP technology has vastly changed the ways in which business owners have communicated with their clients and colleagues. No longer are professionals restricted to the confines of their offices in order to make and take calls. The limitations set up by traditional landline telephone...
Dear Patriotic Business Owner – It’s Time For Made In Canada
Dear Patriotic Business Owner,
In these unprecedented times it’s more important than ever to band together as a nation and do your part where and when you can to help us all get through these harsh times.
The more we invest our businesses operating costs into small businesses and shopping locally the...