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Why Working While On Vacation Can Be A Blast!
The summer season officially got underway yesterday! For most people, summer is synonymous with vacations. However, for business owners, summer vacations aren’t always possible. Or are they? There are many compelling reasons why working while on vacation can actually enhance your experience. Let’s explore them!
You can maintain productivity and momentum.
Special June Promotion: Get Your Second Year of Single Number Reach for FREE!
At MELO, we understand the importance of seamless communication for businesses. That's why we're excited to announce our special June promotion, exclusively designed to enhance your connectivity and save you money. For a limited time, when you sign up for our Single Number Reach (SNR) service and pre-pay for one...
How MeloTel Can Help You To Have Happy Holidays
Wow! Can you believe that the holidays are practically here? Hanukkah gets going this Sunday. Christmas Day is in ten days! Kwanzaa kicks off on Boxing Day. There is so much to celebrate! As a business owner, you’re likely looking forward to some much-needed time off to enjoy the holiday...
The Importance Of Having A Dedicated Phone Number For Work
In our last blog, we highlighted some top ways that you can be an effective remote worker. Among them was creating a regular work schedule, scheduling breaks and maintaining a dedicated work space at home. Naturally, we were also quick to mention the benefits of using cloud-hosted technology.
With the help...
Making Your Company Better Is What We Do Best
Earlier this week, we excitedly announced that MeloTel is on the verge of a special anniversary! This coming January, our company will turn 14 years old. We know. What’s so special about the number 14? Well, as we pointed out, it’s not so much the anniversary number that we’re proud...
MeloTel Is A Life-Vest For Your Business During Pandemic Waves
In Ontario COVID-19 cases are on the rise again. Back in late March, Ontario and the rest of the country suffered one of the greatest unexpected lockdowns in the history of our country. Forcing many business owners to close up their business or scramble to find solutions to keep their...