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MeloTel Helps You To Run Your Business Smoother
This week, the MeloTel Blog has been focusing on our company's bread and butter: our Hosted Phone System. Our company's humble beginnings saw us simply as a telephone company. And, although MeloTel provides business owners with so many amazing services and features, we haven't forgotten our expertise in the field...
MeloTel Provides Cost-Effective Convenience
In our last blog, we began discussing MeloTel's Hosted Phone System and the many features that it provides our customers. One of the best features, according to our clients, is the cost-effective convenience it offers them. Not only is switching to MeloTel bound to save you money, but our incredibly...
MeloTel’s Telephone Features Make Your Life Easier
MeloTel prides itself on offering its client base a wide variety of awesome features and services. But, at the heart of it all is our Hosted Phone System. Becoming experts in the VoIP telephone world is what helped for MeloTel to get its start in the telecom industry. So, we've...
How To Hit A Home Run
We're about two months in to the Major League Baseball season. And if you're like us, here at MeloTel, it's been a little bit disappointing. That would be because our company is headquartered in Toronto, Canada – home of the Toronto Blue Jays. And although the Jays made a ton...
Boosting Your Business Through Blogging
In our last blog, we touched upon the topic of “freshness”. Now, you don't have to run a grocery store in order to be concerned with being fresh. At MeloTel, we believe that keeping your company looking its finest is integral to its success. Making great impressions time in and...
Allow MeloTel To Freshen You Up!
There's nothing like a long weekend to get you recharged and rejuvenated, is there? As we blogged about last week, sometimes it's important to truly enjoy time off from work in order to come back to the job feeling refreshed. In many cases, business owners tend to ignore so-called holidays...
A Weekend To Rest, Relax And Recharge
It's time to celebrate the long weekend Canada! You've worked hard all year and now the time has come to take in a holiday when the weather is nice enough to truly enjoy the extra day off work. And yes, business owners, we're talking to you too! We know how...
Trust MeloTel As Your Tech Expert
We can't all be experts. So if you don't feel all that well-versed when it comes to computer technology, don't worry about it. Allow MeloTel to your tech-savvy experts so that you don't have to be. You have plenty of other things related to your business that you have to...
Proposed Internet Tax Won’t Affect MeloTel Clients
MeloTel is a Canadian company that happily services businesses from all over our great nation. That doesn't mean, however, that we would turn down an interested client from south of the border. And considering that the United States is apparently looking to impose a new tax on American companies doing...
Get Stuck On Service With A Smile
In our last blog, we discussed the high importance that we, here at MeloTel, place on customer service. We believe in caring and respecting our clients while providing them with specialized service. We know that it's important for our customers to not just be able to rely on the products...