Posts by user
5 Fab Reasons To Get 5 Free Phones
Business owners need all the help they can get to run their businesses. Naturally, it takes a lot of time and money to get a business off the ground. But once things are in order and doors become open for business, it’s important to have long-lasting, dependable equipment that you...
Finding Ways To Make You Smile
Smiles are contagious. Even when you don’t know a person, if you see him or her smiling, you’re compelled to do the same. A smile is an excellent universal sign of happiness. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what language you speak, when you smile, the meaning is the...
Getting Your Company Fully Equipped
Who knew that MeloTel was an oiling company? Well, perhaps not exactly. But at MeloTel, we strive to make the companies owned by our clients function like well-oiled machines. And yes, it’s up to us to supply the oil – sort of. Not only do we provide a number of...
Making Twitter More Tantalizing
In our last blog, we decided to go over a few ways that we, here at MeloTel, like to make use of our Facebook page. Recognizing that social media can be used as excellent marketing tools for businesses of all kinds, we like to make sure that we keep pretty...
Making Facebook More Fascinating
Bumping into someone without a Facebook account is an extremely rare occurrence these days. In many cases, people meeting each other for the first time will ask for Facebook profile information in lieu of phone numbers for the purpose of keeping in contact. So when it comes to promoting your...
The Importance of Being Honest
In our last blog, we detailed a number of reasons that MeloTel has decided to pull out of its membership with the Better Business Bureau. To some, this may come off as a bold move. This is likely because many Canadians see the BBB as an organization that helps to...
MeloTel Opts Out of the BBB
At MeloTel, we strive to provide the ultimate customer experience. Our clients can attest to that. And as far as we’re concerned, that’s what truly matters most. We operate under a strict set of rules that we basically refer to as our Quality of Service Guarantee. By adhering to these...
Introducing The Spectacular SpectraLink 8440
In 2013, people are getting pretty used to the term “Wi-Fi”. Synonymous with any wireless device, this technological innovation has taken the human race leaps and bounds into the future of communication. We’re not just talking about your old school cordless telephone. Devices that receive data through “Wi-Fi” include everything...
Making Marketing Work For You
At MeloTel, we work with business owners from all over Canada on a daily basis. As a result, we’ve learned that the entrepreneurial spirit in our great nation is very strong. We’ve also learned that different business owners from different industries have very unique ways of marketing their companies. Naturally,...
Team Viewer Works Wonders
If we may so ourselves, the MeloTel staff is packed with computer geniuses. What kind of VoIP telephone company would we be if we weren’t, right? We actually take great pride in the work we do because we are completely obsessed with doing our jobs to the best of our...