Posts by user
How A Cloud Softphone Provides The Ultimate Convenience
Have you been enjoying working from home? For many of MeloTel’s clients, working from home is the norm. They’ve long enjoyed VoIP as a solution to their business calling needs. Thanks to VoIP, no one needs to be attached to the business phone located in his/her office – whether it...
Re-introducing You To Cloud Softphone By MeloTel
Over the past decade or so, VoIP technology has vastly changed the ways in which business owners have communicated with their clients and colleagues. No longer are professionals restricted to the confines of their offices in order to make and take calls. The limitations set up by traditional landline telephone...
Grow your mobile audience, engage clients and increase sales with our SMS Marketing solutions
Using MeloText is a great tool for communicating to the masses, convey your message efficiently and receive private replies.
Using MeloText is the next best form of communicating than a direct phone call. Calling people and repeating your questions or message over and over again can be time consuming, repetitive and...
Dear Patriotic Business Owner – It’s Time For Made In Canada
Dear Patriotic Business Owner,
In these unprecedented times it’s more important than ever to band together as a nation and do your part where and when you can to help us all get through these harsh times.
The more we invest our businesses operating costs into small businesses and shopping locally the...
Are Your Business Communications Disrupted By The COVID-19 Crisis?
Not sure how your company is dealing with this COVID-19 crisis. However, many small and medium sized businesses have been thrust into a logistical nightmare while facing the COVID-19 crisis. Doing everything they can to cope with the rapid closures of their business, the crisis of keeping...
MeloTel Has Modified Its Hours Of Operation
I am writing to inform you that MeloTel has modified hours of operation due to the COVID-19 crisis.Furthermore, due to increased demand for support, customers may experience slightly longer than normal wait times to get support.Rest assured will still continue to provide the excellent support you have come to...
MeloTel Commits To Customer Support During COVID-19 Crisis
We’re all going through a rough time right now. The world is collectively battling the coronavirus and with each day that passes, the news seems to get worse. There are many countries on lockdown in an effort to contain and stop the spread of COVID-19. And the way things are...