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Are You Following MeloTel’s Social Media Accounts?

Since the beginning of the year, the MeloTel team has been pretty busy growing its social media presence. We were smart enough to welcome a new Web and Graphic Designer in Magali “Abbey” Godoy to our team. Abbey came on board several months ago as our resident social media expert and she has been a treasure!

With her help, MeloTel has been seeing a lot more traction on all of our social media accounts. That includes the MeloTel Facebook page, which now sees uniquely designed posts on a daily basis. As her job title connotes, Abbey isn’t just a social media marketing genius. She certainly knows her way around designing eye-catching visuals and communicating our brand messaging.

Subscribe to MeloTel’s YouTube channel!

We should take this opportunity to remind you that MeloTel has a YouTube channel. We’ve been plugging away at getting subscribers over the past few months, so we would appreciate it if you’d click that “Subscribe” button for us. An amazing contribution of Abbey’s to the channel is the “We’re Still All In This Together – Just Working From Home” video. You can check it out HERE!

With just 40 subscribers as of this writing, we are still 60 subscribers away from 100. Once he hit that mark, we will be able to give the channel its own unique URL. We’d love it if you could help us out!

Follow MeloTel’s TikTok account!

Back in March, MeloTel also unveiled our new TikTok account! The extremely popular video-sharing social media platform was introduced by Chinese company, ByteDance in 2016. TikTok is now one of today’s most-used apps. The social networking service is used to make a variety of short-form videos. With TikTok, you can post videos with durations between fifteen seconds and one minute.

MeloTel’s first post on TikTok featured MeloTel CEO, John Meloche in a video where he tries out a filter used to find his doppelganger. Can you guess who the social media app chose as John’s supposed twin?

Follow MeloTel’s Instagram account!

How could we forget about Instagram? Since January, MeloTel has also been posting on the world’s most popular photo-sharing app. Follow the MeloTel Instagram account to receive our regular updates. Our account features numerous posts including anecdotes, quotes of the day, promotional videos, funny memes, links to our blog and so much more!

Do you need some help with your social media engagement?

There’s no arguing the fact that social media play a huge role in the ways in which people communicate all over the world. Business owners who haven’t taken advantage of promoting their companies via social media are missing out on an effective communication source with their target audience.

MeloTel’s Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire have had great success in developing and maintaining the social media platforms for our clients. We regularly post directly to their pages. Especially when the posts include links to blogs, our social media posting services have significantly increased our clients’ web traffic.

For more information about how our team can improve your social media engagement, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or email

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