Updating Your Website To Boost Back To School Sales

It’s hard to believe that back to school season is already upon us. In just a couple of weeks, students all over Canada will be returning back to their classrooms. Or will they? With the coronavirus pandemic still a major problem, many parents are opting for their children to learn from home. Nevertheless, preparing the kids for going back to school is necessary. And that means your business needs to be prepared to meet the needs of students.
Have you considered updating your website in an effort boost back to school sales? You may wish to consider the following suggestions.
Develop coupon codes.
As mentioned, the majority of parents all over Canada are placing the health of their children as a top priority. That doesn’t mean, however, that they’ve forgotten how to bargain hunt. One of the top draws to your website, this back to school season, will be your competitive prices. However, instead of just lowering prices, you may wish to consider a technique that will help to promote long-term support.
By offering coupon codes, you can appeal to parents’ and students’ needs – both future and immediate. With a coupon code, you will not only encourage immediate purchases, but give online shoppers options of returning to your website in future to redeem those codes. The savings you offer will also elicit larger transactions.
Offer free shipping.
The vast majority of online shoppers consider free shipping a major selling point. Updating your online store with “free shipping” imagery is a great way to get more visitors to click “buy”. Remember that budget-conscious shoppers are everywhere. When they see something on your site that guarantees savings, they will be a lot less likely to log out and visit other websites.
Don’t assume that offering free shipping will automatically translate into revenue loss. Consider adjusting your product prices to make up for the difference.
Update your blog.
This tip is certainly taken from the “practice what we preach” category. We update our blog on a regular basis. One of the key ingredients to a successful online shop is a regularly-updated blog that constantly reminds visitors of your company’s great offerings. Create content that targets students and their parents. Be sure to conceive blog topics surrounding their needs.
“5 Ways To Start The School Year Off Right” is a blog title example that can include a variety of helpful tips. The end of the blog, of course, should include a call to action. Remind your readers that your online shop has everything they need to help students enjoy a successful school year.
Allow our team to help you with updating your website. At MeloTel, we offer Website Maintenance Services by a highly skilled, competent and dedicated staff. We provide your site with the personal attention it deserves at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full time in-house web designer/developer. We also provide talented Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire who can generate excellent content that garners greater interest in your brand.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL.