MeloTel News

Uncle John’s Holiday Hits 2013 Is Out Now!

a3271007553_2Earlier this week, we promised you a new installment of Uncle John’s Holiday Hits. And sure, enough, it is here! We’re excited to officially introduce an all-new edition of Christmas songs sung by the one and only John Meloche. Sensibly entitled, Uncle John’s Holiday Hits 2013, this new project is the third in the series recorded by MeloTel’s President.

As if running Canada’s Hosted Company didn’t put enough on his plate, John has become quite the recording artist in his spare time. With a hip-hop song that serves as his company anthem and three Christmas compilations under his belt, John can now officially refer to himself as a veteran vocalist. And true to his word, his new project is free for all to download!

Feel free in fact, to download both this year’s and last year’s editions from the official Uncle John’s Holiday Hits Bandcamp page. And speaking of being true to his word, John is also offering a FREE CD copy of his new Christmas album to anyone who emails him directly with a mailing address at The exclusive new CD contains no less than 21 tracks!

A deluxe edition CD, if you will, the brand new Uncle John’s Holiday Hits collection includes tracks from both this year’s and last year’s projects. Made solely for the purpose of getting people into the Christmas spirit, John’s collection of music is no amateur feat. In fact, John has quite the soulful voice. We’re sure you’ll enjoy his renditions of some of your favourite holiday classics.

This year’s album includes the hits, “Blue Christmas”, “Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire”, “Here Comes Santa Claus”, “Holly Jolly Christmas” and “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”. And believe it or not, all eight songs were recorded in one studio session! By all standards, this is practically unheard of. Recording engineer of Secret Suburbia Studios, T.J. Habibi spoke about the experience recording John’s new CD.

“John knew what he wanted before he walked in the studio,” revealed T.J., “I kind of knew his formula since I had worked with him on last year’s holiday CD. So we were able to move this project along really quickly. The whole session took seven hours. He spent less than an hour per song when most artists spend a lot more time per song.” Needless to say, John has learned a thing or two about recording vocals.

“John has excellent communications skills,” continued T.J., “He was a real pleasure to work with. His sense of humour also makes my job a whole lot easier. As well, his songs really put me in the Christmas spirit. It was fun hanging out with him for the day.” We’re sure John had a lot of fun recording his new songs as well. Putting seven hours into a project simply for the enjoyment of others says a lot about our President.

“I’m thoroughly impressed,” said T.J., “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an artist who records an entire project one day and then releases it the next. It just goes to show you what can be accomplished when you’re truly dedicated.” Be sure to download the two latest versions of Uncle John’s Holiday Hits and send an email over to John and get your hands on his new CD!

Oh, and please “like” the official Uncle John’s Holiday Hits Facebook fan page!

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