Industry News

Telecommuting Makes Lives Easier

telecommutingIf we’ve blogged it once, we’ve likely blogged it a million times (or thereabouts): MeloTel is in the business of making the lives of our clients easier. We do the best we can to accomplish this in a variety of ways. Our increasingly vast array of products and services serve business owners in ways that help them to worry less and succeed more. MeloTel is your one-stop telecommuting destination.

Telecommuting, by the way, is only becoming increasingly popular. We’re aware, here at MeloTel, that most of today’s business owners don’t work from one remote spot. Constantly traveling and regularly on-the-go, entrepreneurs need the ability to stay in constant touch with their co-workers, clients and colleagues no matter where in the world they are.

This is why our fascinating cloud technology comes in so handy in today’s day and age. On, Maureen Jenkins says as much when she writes about how her own use of telecommuting has made her life so much easier. A single woman with no children, Jenkins notes that her lifestyle has allowed for her employers to take more advantage of her time.

Not that she minds, but being able to work from a variety of locations is something that her life schedule allows for. Telecommuting, however, is ideal for the worker bee who also has a spouse and children to consider during their every day activities. Having telecommuting abilities helps such individuals balance their work-life schedules.

With this belief strongly in mind, Jenkins takes great issue with Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer who insists that her own telecommuting employees find “bricks-and-mortar” offices to work out of. This idea seems to be a step backwards, believes Jenkins, who acknowledges that working parents are more in need than anyone else of a working life that cuts back on commutes.

In addition, the ability to telecommute easily helps for employees to be more efficient. Telecommuting, says Jenkins, makes our lives easier. Not to mention, it makes the lives of children easier as well. “Why shouldn’t all of us, whether we parent children or not, have access to civilized ways of working that simplify our lives, decrease our commutes, allow us to be more efficient and maintain our sanity at the same time?” she asks.

Cindy Auten, the general manager of Mobile Work Exchange agrees. Telecommuting works, she says, “because the benefits are so comprehensive. It’s not just supporting family balance, but you balance. It isn’t just a perk for one demographic.” Auten has gone to great lengths to ensure that employees from all walks of life enjoy the benefits of telecommuting.

Jenkins writes that Auten’s organization founded Telework Week 2013, which took place earlier this month. Now in its third year, this initiative, encouraged workers from all over the world to “telework” anytime during March 4 to 8. She notes that last year’s event generated over 71, 000 pledges which gave employees upwards of 251,800 hours back into their days and saved $5.6 million in commuting costs.

Bottom line: telecommuting is the working way of the future. And the future is here!

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