Industry News

Superior Customer Service Lacking

If it’s one thing that MeloTel is really big on, it’s providing optimum customer service. We have long heralded the concept of providing customers with an excellent experience each time they deal with our company. This is because we are aware that regardless of how great our products are, if customers do not enjoy dealing with us, the relationships will not last.

Earlier this week, on, Ellen Roseman wrote of the importance of providing excellent customer service and how the inability of many companies to do so is growing more apparent. As a member of the media, Roseman notes that she receives numerous emails on a regular basis from unhappy customers who need help dealing with various companies.

“I get results very quickly for people who get no satisfaction on their own,” reveals Roseman, “This makes me happy and angry at the same time. I’m happy to have a job where I can make a difference and receive heartfelt thank-you notes every day. But I’m angry to see companies kow-tow to the media and make ordinary people jump through hoops to be heard.”

Roseman refers to this “two-tier customer service”. This refers to companies providing a higher standard of customer service to the media, or those who threaten to go to the media. Then, of course, there is a lower standard of service for everyone else. At MeloTel, our Customer Satisfaction Guarantee ensures all of our clients that they will receive equally superior service.

And why shouldn’t that be the case for all customers? After all, how can a business run without them? Roseman reveals, however, that Consumer Reports magazine feels that “excellent customer service is on the wane”. You know how the answering service for many companies declare that “your call is very important to us”?

Well, the magazine believes that, contrary to that statement, many companies are not properly using their technologies. Wait times seem endless and staff are not properly trained to handle complaints upon first contact. This generates a lot of frustration from customers who would rather be spending their time doing more important things.

A recent survey conducted by Consumer Reports found that the top two biggest annoyances for customers is being unable to reach a human on the phone when calling for customer service and rude salespeople. Roseman notes that the largest number of complaints from Canadians are about the telecommunications industry.

Somehow, this doesn’t surprise us. She writes that emails about “unfair telecom practices far outweigh everything else.” This is why, at MeloTel, we are so enthusiastic about providing our customers with service that they cannot get anywhere else. We know that top-notch customer service is sorely missing in our industry. But we’re sure you know where you can find it!

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